It Isn't Late Yet To Change Your Lifestyle

June 15, 2022

It's already June but my 30 Days of Gratitude series is still up! This is pretty much helpful to those who are struggling to think about sensible content to write but wanted to keep their writing goal "an article a day." I realized that we all could make 30-day prompts by ourselves so there wouldn't be missing days in writing. And this is what I want to try making next time.

Here are the featured prompts for today:


In taking this challenge, I also realized that we can make our writing a creative one by putting all prompts in one story and not just answering them separately. Quality content matters even in making random articles. That's the only thing we could contribute to this platform.

The night before this day I was feeling unwell due to difficulty breathing, probably because of too much carbon monoxide I inhaled from the incense they were lighting up inside the house. I already informed this Chinese family about the negative effects of inhaling smoke from incense but they seem not to believe it since they only stick to their rituals and beliefs. I couldn't react more as I need to respect their tradition and beliefs as well.

Each morning, my male boss would light an incense stick before heading out, then I would be left at home inhaling the smoke, lol. I would then make the balcony door wide open to release some smoke and to give more ventilation, I would turn on the exhaust fan. Or sometimes I would just stay on the balcony for a while until the incense stick burnt out.

While staying on the balcony, there was something beautiful I saw this day. The sun shone so brightly that made my mood so bright as well. I like it when balcony drills beautifully cast symmetric shadows and the plant that stood still by it looks beautiful as well.


Our balcony becomes my sanctuary in the morning where I usually do deep breathing exercises while facing the mountain skylines located in the distance. Someday, I want to climb this mountain as well and overlook the small city where I currently reside.


From our balcony, I also love watching different plants in different colors on different balconies of our neighbors, as well as trees in lushness by the street. Those were the beautiful creatures I'm seeing every day.

It's been more than four years that I've been living in this area and I love watching the beautiful view of the rising sun from our balcony in the morning.


Meanwhile, my favorite part of the evening is watching the sunset from our kitchen. And how it casts colors in the sky along with the glimmering lights from different high-rise buildings is truly fascinating, and that makes me admire the beauty of the night more. It's really therapeutic every time I spend some moments admiring the beauty of the sunrise and sunset from our place and the scenic views seem like real beautiful paintings. And the main reason why these two parts of the house are my favorites.

And oftentimes, when I'm alone at home, I wouldn't mind eating my guilty pleasures, and I know this matter isn't something to be hidden anymore. A person with lactose and gluten intolerances shouldn't be eating these kinds of food, but I love eating ice cream and making sweet delights.


Every time I'm craving sweets, I would eat some then would feel guilty later once I suffered the consequences of my bad action. Who can resist their temptations anyway? But of course, I should be accountable for the consequences of doing my bad habits and believe me, they aren't good, so I'm taking my guilty pleasures moderately and occasionally.

We all at some point in our lives do something forbidden but those give momentary pleasure to us. And sometimes we would question why we need to deprive ourselves of eating food or doing things we want when we can actually afford to have them. But above all, why do we need to suffer from intolerances, especially in food, when they are vital to our living.

Those are usually the questions that would cross my mind every time I'm depriving myself of eating food that I want. But the truth is? These consequences are the byproducts of my unhealthy lifestyle in my younger years. Or my food intolerances were probably inborn, but my parents weren't aware of them and the symptoms only appeared in the later years. And I'm suffering the consequences due to unawarely consuming forbidden food for a prolonged period. It isn't too late though to make a healthy lifestyle.

The bottom line here is, that we shouldn't be just spoiling ourselves, just because we are capable of doing so. And just because we are young we can do everything we want to and only make things right once we grow older and suffer health issues. It isn't actually the right way and we should do a healthy lifestyle at a young age so we wouldn't be suffering the unfavorable consequences at a later age. Besides, we could do more things and it is happier to live when we are healthy.

So if you are still young and if you don't want to regret things later, take time to change your unhealthy lifestyle into a healthy one.


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