Deco Beer - The important part of diving the ocean

A dann good reason for a beer

Yeah, there is always a huge need for some liquid after you had to breath for an hour out of a tank. Means very dry air comes into your body and this turns you thirsty.

I such a case, a beer, called „Decompression beer“ or short - Deco beer is a great help.

pic by @detlev

Hey Hive Family
Enjoy diving in Croatia
and let us travel the world again

The Deco Beer: A Diver's Elixir

Ah, the deco beer! A term whispered with reverence among divers, a legend in its own time. But what is it truly, and why does it hold such allure?


pic by @detlev

Decompression: The Silent Workhorse

Imagine yourself plunging into the watery depths, surrounded by an alien world of silent beauty. As you explore this underwater kingdom, your body undergoes a fascinating transformation. The pressure increases, and your tissues absorb nitrogen like a sponge soaking up water. It's a magical process, but like any good magic trick, it requires a careful reversal.

When you ascend, the pressure decreases, and that absorbed nitrogen needs to be released slowly. This is where decompression comes in. It's like giving your body time to squeeze out all that extra air before it starts causing trouble. If you rush it, you might end up with the diving equivalent of a popped balloon – decompression sickness. Yikes!

Our Diveboat


pic by @detlev

Thirsty Work

Now, let's talk about thirst. An hour underwater, breathing dry air from a tank, is like hiking through a desert without a canteen. Your body is working overtime to regulate temperature and compensate for the arid environment. Your mouth feels like the Sahara, and your throat is a parched wasteland. It's a serious case of dive dehydration!


pic by @detlev

Enter the Deco Beer

So, picture this: you've just emerged from the depths, your body buzzing with the thrill of the adventure. Your brain is still processing the kaleidoscope of colors and creatures you've encountered. And your body? It's screaming for hydration and relaxation.

That's where the deco beer comes in. It's more than just a drink; it's a reward, a celebration, a symbol of conquering the underwater world. The cold, crisp liquid slides down your throat, quenching your thirst and soothing your weary body. It's the perfect way to unwind and let your body gradually release that extra nitrogen.

Of course, moderation is key. A responsible diver knows that a few sips of a cold one is a delightful treat, but overindulgence can be counterproductive. So enjoy that deco beer, but remember to listen to your body and dive safe!


pic by @detlev



Whenever a picture says everything


pic by @detlev

Steam Brew - German Red: A Diver's Thirst Quencher

My family found a few of the nice looking steam brew cans here at the local shop.

After an exhilarating dive like we had today, when your body craves refreshment like a coral reef yearns for sunlight, there's nothing quite like a Steam Brew - German Red.

Its deep copper hue is as inviting as a sunlit patch on the ocean floor. With each sip, a wave of malty sweetness washes over you, followed by a gentle hop bitterness that cleanses the palate like a brisk current.

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It's a symphony of flavors that dances on your taste buds, leaving you refreshed and invigorated.

This German gem is more than just a beer; it’s a hydration hero, quenching the fiery thirst of a diver with every golden drop.

Where did all this happened

Sure, a story like this needs an own pin 📍 at my own worldmap 🗺️ and what would be better as using the cool #hive service #worldmappin at the website which you might from the past as Pinmapple.

The tiny hidden gem is called #Molunat and we found it after a bit of searching for not so crowded places like Dubrovnik.

This might be as well a cool place for all the people who stay longer at the upcoming #HiveFest and the Traveller advice is the local bus which goes from Dubrovnik direct to Molunat. In case you don’t have a car.


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Here you see my diving spot marked - for your personal use - with that nice underwater cave just in 10m depth.


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Have a great day everybody
and let us travel the world again

pic by @detlev

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around beer - and go!

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