Vida de aventuras [ESP/ ENG]



Hello everyone, this is my first time writing in this community, well I don't have much time in Hive either. Today I come to tell you about my little rafting adventure and how I convinced my husband to do it. To begin with I have to tell you that I wanted to do rafting since I arrived in Chile, it had been one of my attractions to do since I discovered this activity, but my husband did not like the idea, he said that the raft was going to sink with him, because of how big and heavy he is.

Several years went by and what do you think...? I talked to the company in charge of this adventure and paid for the ride without telling my husband, at first, I was very excited, but I still had to tell Ale what I had done, which made me a little nervous, I knew he would accept, but I didn't know if he would feel obligated to do it just to see me happy.

One day before the walk I sat with him on the bed and told him “love I did something you might not like”, he panicked and asked me “What did you break Katherine Daniela? I hope it's not too expensive to fix”. At that moment I smiled and told him “tomorrow we will go rafting, we have to be at 10:00 am in the town of Cajon del Maipo from there the tour leaves”.

His face was scared, but a few seconds later he smiled and told me “you're crazy”, between laughs he hugged me while he told me “what am I going to do with you and your crazy things, I hope I don't fall off the boat”.

The day of the tour arrived, and we set off to the place, we arrived at the town and we took the opportunity to walk around and get to know it, since we had never been there before, only once on an anniversary we passed through the town, but we had not stopped to explore.


We arrived at the place, we were given wetsuits to withstand the icy water in case we fell, helmets and life jackets, everything was going very well. As we got on the transport that would take us all to the rafting. Ale started to feel a little nervous, so I asked him if he really wanted to do it. He said yes, but he was a little worried because I don't know how to swim (I come from an island and I don't know how to swim, the shame of a Margariteña).

I told him not to worry because we were going with prepared people and I had my life jacket and that he would be there to save me. I think he got over his nerves and we enjoyed the ride through the mountains.

We arrived at the river where we would go on the adventure, we were very excited, we followed the instructions and they put us with a family that needed two members in the raft. The family we were placed with had already done rafting on several occasions, so we were relaxed.
The trajectory began and the truth was wonderful, there were moments when we felt that the raft would turn around, as the water current was very strong, we were going so fast that there was no time to think about what would happen if we turned around, we had to dodge large rocks, and make maneuvers at different times indicated by the instructor who directed our raft, no doubt there was a lot of adrenaline, I do not know how to explain in words what we felt, we ended up soaked but happy. It is a unique experience that I would repeat.



We were completely exhausted, since paddling against the current is very tiring and difficult, no one fell off the boat, we all had fun. Ale was very happy, I loved to see him so happy. He forgot his worries and enjoyed the adventure, he wanted more, he even did the leap of faith (you jump into the river from a 5-meter-high cliff), I didn't do that jump, since I don't know how to swim, and it seemed a bit risky for me.

Well, they say that improvised things are the best and this little adventure was one of my favorites. I hope you liked it and if you have the opportunity to do this activity do not hesitate to do it.



  • All images shown were taken by the natexplora rafting team, photos included in the tour ticket.
  • Translation made with
  • Cover photo edited in CapCut

Hola a todos esta es mi primera vez escribiendo en esta comunidad, bueno tampoco tengo mucho tiempo en Hive. Hoy les vengo a contar mi pequeña aventura haciendo rafting y como convencí a mi esposo de hacerlo.

Para comenzar les tengo que decir que tenia muchas ganas de hacer rafting desde que llegue a Chile, había sido uno de mis atractivos por hacer desde que descubrí esta actividad, pero a mi esposo no le gustaba mucho la idea, decía que la balsa se iba a hundir con él, por lo grande y pesado que es.

Pasaron varios años ¿y que creen...? hable con la empresa encargada de hacer esta aventura y pague el paseo sin decirle a mi esposo, al principio estaba muy emocionada pero todavía faltaba decirle a Ale lo que había hecho, lo cual me daba algo de nervios, sabia que aceptaría, pero no sabia si se iba a sentir obligado de hacerlo solo por verme feliz.
Un día antes del paseo me senté con él en la cama y le dije “amor hice algo que posiblemente no te guste”, él entro en pánico y me pregunto “¿Qué rompiste Katherine Daniela? Espero que no sea muy caro de arreglar”. En ese momento sonreí y le dije “mañana haremos rafting, tenemos que estar a las 10:00h en el pueblo del cajón del Maipo desde ahí sale el tour”.

Su cara era de susto, pero a los pocos segundo sonrió y me dijo “estas loca”, entre risa me abrazo mientras me decía “que voy a hacer contigo y tus locuras, espero no caerme de la balsa”.

Llego el día del paseo y nos pusimos en marcha al lugar, llegamos al pueblo y aprovechamos de recorrer y conocer, ya que nunca habíamos ido, solo una vez en un aniversario que pasamos por el pueblo, pero no nos habíamos detenido a explorar.


Llegamos al lugar, nos dieron los trajes de neopreno para soportar el agua helada por si llegábamos a caer, cascos y chalecos salvavidas, todo marchaba muy bien. Al subir al transporte que nos llevaría a todos lo que haríamos el rafting. Empecé a notar algo nervioso a Ale así que le pregunté si de verdad quería hacerlo. Me respondió que si, pero estaba algo preocupado porque yo no se nadar (vengo de una isla y no se nadar, la vergüenza de una margariteña).

Le dije que no se preocupara que íbamos con personas preparada y tenia mi chaleco salvavidas y que cualquier cosa él estaría ahí para salvarme. Creo que con eso se le paso los nervios y disfrutamos el camino entre las montañas.

Llegamos al rio donde nos lanzaríamos a la aventura, estábamos muy entusiasmados seguimos las instrucciones y nos pusieron con una familia a la que le hacia falta dos integrantes en la balsa. La familia con la que nos pusieron ya había hecho rafting en varias ocasiones así que andábamos relajados.

Comenzó la trayectoria y la verdad fue maravillosa, hubo momentos en los que sentimos que la balsa se daría vuelta, ya que la corriente de agua era muy fuerte, íbamos tan rápidoque no daba tiempo de pensar en que pasaría si nos diéramos vuelta, tuvimos que esquivar grandes rocas, y hacer maniobras en diferentes momentos indicados por el instructor que dirigía nuestra balsa, sin duda alguna hubo mucha adrenalina, no se como explicar con palabras lo que sentimos, terminamos empapados pero felices. Es una experiencia única que repetiría.





Quedamos completamente agotados, ya que remar contra la corriente es muy agotador difícil, nadie se cayo de la balsa, todos nos divertimos. Ale quedo muy contento, la verdad ame verlo así de feliz. Se olvido de las preocupaciones y disfruto la aventura, quedo con ganas de más, hasta hizo el salto de la fe (te lanzas al rio desde un acantilado de 5 metros de altura), yo ese salto no lo hice, ya que no se nadar y me pareció algo arriesgado para mi. Bien dicen que las cosas improvisadas son las que mejor salen y esta pequeña aventura fue de mis favoritas. Espero les haya gustado y si tienen la oportunidad de hacer esta actividad no duden en hacerla.



  • Todas las imágenes mostradas fueron tomadas por el equipo de rafting de natexplora, fotos incluidas en el cobro del tour realizado.
  • Traducido con
  • Foto de portada edita en CapCut
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