From dream to real life

Hi everyone!

It's my first post after my introduction. I hope you all are happy to see me here. And of course, I am grateful to have readers like you. Many of you encourage me to here. Thanks to all of you.
Let's start my post with sun rise.


Ohhh so sorry it is evening time!🀫🀫 But my day start here πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚. That doesn't mean i didn't wake up at 6 am and started a normal day like normal people like you. I just forget to take a picture at that time. I'll share my feelings when my alarm rings.

Good morning!

My mobile alarm rang 3 times but I confidently off it. πŸ˜‚ Later on you will know why i say confidently πŸ˜‚. I slept again and then I dream that I go to hospital and my supervisor scold me for late and also he punished me to stand outside the ward. Many passers-by are looking at me and giving me a torturing smile which seems like they are happy by their hearts. It hurt me alot and I started crying at that time. Then my eyes opened and I woke up. πŸ˜‚




These are some pics taken by me with my mobile from that corridor in which i was standing in dream. πŸ˜‚

After eyes open:

Then I'm confused about it. Is it a dream or real? πŸ€” After 5-6 minutes, I came into my senses and I thought, I'm in my bed πŸ˜‚, and my supervisor is not he, means i have female supervisor πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚. I saw time which is 7:10 am which is fine because I have to be there at 8:15 am.

Real. Life struggle:

I woke up and washed my face, brushed my teeth ate my breakfast🍳. I was easy and comfortable before looking at clock. 😊. I got up. In hurry and ready for my duty. I took a short way to reach metro and rushed into it. After 5 minutes I realised that I forget my dairy at home on which I wrote daily dietary recalls of patients. But that's just for my records. I reached in endo ward of hospital. Which is decorated for children to not get bored from treatment because parents takes time to understand diabetic treatment.
Pics endo ki
There I met different doctors and attend rounds to find out mistakes due to which blood sugar is not undercontrol. But as usual every patient's attender lie just because they want their child to eat every thing. Which is fine as a parent but not fine for their health.


After doctor's round, it's our duty to gather all mothers and counsel them and teach them about their child condition and why diabetes came to their child's life part.


May be some hive users have diabetic child at their home or may be in office or in their surroundings. I just mention few important points which I observe people should know.

Low Blood Sugar Level: (BSL)

●If BSL (blood sugar level) is 70 or below 70 then immediately give half cup of juice or 2 tea spoon sugar mixed in half cup or water. 
●Check BSL after 10 minutes, if BSL is still low then again repeat it untill BSL become normal.


People should know some ranges:
●BSL before breakfast: 80-130 mg/dl
●BSL 2 hours after meal: 80-180 mg/dl
●BSL before having lunch or dinner: 80-150
Type 1 diabetes is common in children. So mostly children at insulin. In hospital, doctors suggest basaglar and regular insulin. So, it also our duty to teach them how to use insulin pen and insulin injections. Also educate them about units. Unfortunately, mostly mothers are not educated, they don't show intrest to get knowledge or participate in discussion. It is a big drawback for their chlid's high sugar.

Foods which should be avoided:

Fruits: Mango, Banana, Melon, lychee, watermelon etc.
Vegetables: Potatoes, Sweet potato, Egg plant etc.
Other things: Snacks having biscuits, bakery products, sugary products.


I hope many of get some information about diabetes. Thanks you all for supporting me.
Yes! Please if you have any suggestion,comment it. I like your comments and your behaviour to share your thoughts with me.

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