Fall asleep quickly, military style.

Hi Hive Lovers

A person must pay serious attention to their sleep because it is related to the body's need for rest in order to achieve health and fitness in their daily activities.

Although there are exceptions because it depends on a person's sleeping habits, Ideally, one-third of the 24 hours a day are for a person to sleep, because a body that does not get enough sleep will be at risk of experiencing chronic health problems.

Many people have experienced serious problems with their sleep, both in terms of the duration of sleep and the quality of their sleep, and one of the most common complaints is not being able to close their eyes immediately when they are in bed.

I once asked this problem to several acquaintances who served in the military. Soldiers who are known to have a high level of discipline must take advantage of their rest time to quickly fall asleep in between carrying out their duties strictly and with a high level of alertness.

You can imagine what would happen if the soldiers had problems with their sleep. It turns out that soldiers have also been trained to use their best sleeping methods.

Soldiers are used to using methods to fall asleep quickly and effectively. It only took 2 minutes, and they even looked alert as they fell asleep with their weapons clutched tightly in their hands.

The origins

The military-style way to sleep soundly is a method introduced by Sharon Ackerman, and this is explained very simply in the book Relax & Win: Championship Performance.

Ackerman has successfully tested his method on soldiers who were fighter pilots in the United States Navy. The pilots could even fall asleep immediately after they drank coffee and were disturbed by the sound of gunfire.

Of course, you can also imagine how soldiers had to sleep while at war. If soldiers can apply it even in the most critical conditions, then anyone can also apply it to get their best sleep. This military-style way to fall asleep quickly will really help you.

A health and fitness expert, namely Dr. Andrew Weil, also developed the fast sleep technique by combining it with breathing techniques, namely techniques to calm the mind and relax tense muscles.

In fact, in #yoga, there has also been a long-known breathing technique called "pranayama," which means breath regulation, and it originates from #India, where it is believed to have existed for 3000 years as a meditation system for comprehensive and holistic physical, mental, and spiritual health and well-being.

However, the concept and practice of falling asleep quickly have become more famous as "the military style fast sleep pattern" also known as "the 4-7-8 sleep pattern".

You or anyone else can easily apply this fast sleep method. You don't need any tools, and you can do it anywhere and anytime, like a soldier sleeping while they are at war.

Practice and get used to it!

Almost everyone who practices and gets used to practicing this way of falling asleep quickly has gotten results. You just need to prepare yourself for sleep.

You can put it into practice as soon as you finish reading my post, and it's very simple:

Close your eyes, and intend in your heart that you want to fall asleep immediately. So, stop thinking and don't think about anything other than you want to sleep.

  • Inhale slowly through your nose (4 seconds).
  • Hold your breath (7 seconds), and
  • Exhale slowly through your mouth (8 seconds).

Repeat these steps until you fall asleep.

Of course, you can also adjust your breathing rate. The 4-7-8 breathing pattern to accelerate falling asleep is only a generally accepted guide.

Good luck and get your best sleep.

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