The Charles-Towne siege

In previous adventures, I was in search of medicines for Nasáu, at the same time that I was dealing with Blackbeard's madness. So it was that, after helping him board a war galleon, we discovered that the medicines came from Charles-Towne and decided to meet there to steal them.

Blackbeard beat me to it, as I spent some time exploring the now stranded war galleon. But it was time for me to head for Charles-Towne and meet him, for I must prevent him from committing a massacre.


During the voyage I met Stede Bonnet, who had separated from Blackbeard's crew and was now commanding his own vessel. After a few words of encouragement and wishing him well in life, I bid him farewell and continued on my journey.


Arriving at Charles-Towne, I meet Blackbeard. And when I boarded his ship, I see him with a bunch of prisoners hanging from the masts of his ship. Apparently, he had taken them hostage, but when he didn't get any results, he was going to execute them.


Furious, I asked him for an explanation while reminding him that this was not the way to do things, as his actions could harm the inhabitants of Nassau. Black Beard explained to me that he tried to do things right and that he had taken some soldiers prisoner with the intention of exchanging them for medicine, but that he had not heard from the officers on the ground for some days.


Faced with such a situation, I only had the option of asking him to let me do things my way and to promise me that in less than a day I would have an answer or the medicines.


And so it was that I was once again caught up in Blackbeard's moves. This time I would have to drive my boat all over the swampy area to chase a boat in order to discover the location of the soldiers' base or the medicine storehouse.


Everything was going well until the sailors started complaining that the ship was not made for these waters, and we encountered a guard post that prevented us from moving forward. I then had to disembark and approach the lookout post to eliminate the guards and sabotage the alarm so we could continue. After failing on a first attempt, I did it again and all went well.


I continued to advance until I reached a point where I could not advance by boat, so I had to go on foot. I chased a group of guards in a rowboat, assuming that they would take me to their captain. After negotiating several obstacles and evading a bunch of crocodiles, I was able to find the top man in charge of the place and the person who had the keys to the medicine warehouse.


While I was listening to a conversation between two officers, a guard raised the alarm that there were pirates in the vicinity and it didn't take long to discover them. So I set out in pursuit of the captain of the soldiers to get the key. I had to evade a lot of guards, crocodiles, obstacles and explosions, but in the end I was able to catch up and, after reprimanding him that there was no need to be a hero, I took the keys from him.

Back on Blackbeard's boat, I give him the two boxes of medicine I obtained and ask him to release the hostages. He agrees and, when I tell him to return to Nasáu, he tells me that he is not coming back, as he plans to retreat to the north, away from the eyes of the soldiers.

Some time after the Charles-Towne siege, I found myself in Nassau, witnessing another of Jack Rackham's pitiful attempts to woo Mary Read. If only he knew she could slice him up in a second. As such a curious situation unfolded, a cannon shot caught my attention and as I looked up, I saw a bunch of warships forming a block around the bay.

I could not believe my eyes. The Templar Woodes Rogers had landed on the beach accompanied by Commodore Peter Chamberlaine and a host of soldiers. In his hands he carried in writing the king's pardon for the pirates and demanded to meet with the lords of Nassau.

I think I know what I'm going to do in the next adventure, but for that you'll have to stay tuned for my next posts, as I'll say goodbye for today. Goodbye!


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