Black Beard's Follies.Assault on an English Warship.

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In my previous underwater adventure I was looking for medicines for Nasau in the company of Thatch (Black Beard). When we were unable to get the medicines we had to split up to cover more ground, but we parted on the premise that Black Beard had agreed to help us get them by hook or by crook.


After separating, I spend some time sailing around Nassau, committing various acts of piracy to be able to replace some of the money spent buying the diving bell. In the midst of this hunt for maritime treasures I find myself caught in the middle of a conflict between the Spanish and the English, which ends up turning into a real pitched battle.


The battle was also joined by a pirate hunter ship, which is easy to distinguish by its bright red sails. With the pirate hunters I was a bit more flexible and after almost sinking their ship I boarded them and chose to join my crew. The rest of the ships were not as fortunate.


After a few days I meet Hornigold and his crew, who were repairing their ship after being attacked by the English navy because Black Beard in a fit of madness had attacked an English warship in search of medicine.


Fearing for the life of Black Beard, I set course for his last known location and after navigating through a thick fog, I find him surrounded by English soldiers in a very noticeable numerical difference.

Without even hesitating, I pull my boat as close to shore as I can and jump into the water in the hope that I can get there in time to help him.


When I reached the shore, I shot down the enemy soldiers one by one with my pistol and the little ammunition I had. When the bullets ran out, I let the edge of my swords speak for me.


Once we eliminated the soldiers we barely had time to celebrate, as the English warship was spotted in the distance and in the absence of a helmsman, Black Beard ordered me to captain his ship. It did not take us long to reach the ship and after a concentrated fire of mortars and heavy artillery shots, I was able to damage its rudder and approach the ship to board it.


Just before the boarding order was given, I heard Black Beard tell me to take care of the captain, since normally, when officers are killed, the soldiers' morale decreases and they stop fighting. So it was that, once the boarding began, I climbed to the top of a mast and while all hell broke loose below me, I searched for the ship's captain using eagle vision.


Once the captain was located, all it took was a jump and an aerial assassination for all combat to cease and the enemy crew to surrender. And with the captain's corpse at my feet, I hear Black Beard reproach him that it made no sense to play the hero and then die for nothing.


Without being able to say a single word, a Black Beard crew member appeared with a box full of medicines bearing the seal of Charles-Towne. Immediately Thatch says goodbye to me and tells me that he will set a course for that place, as he is sure that they will be able to find more medicines there.


Once back on the Jackdaw, I set out for Charles-Towne to meet Thatch and prevent him from committing another major folly that would put his life or the lives of the people of Nassau at risk.

Before embarking on the journey, something caught my attention: the English war galleon now appeared stranded on an island, and I headed for it. Once I climbed it, I was able to enjoy a beautiful view and in the background, along with the sunset, I witnessed several schooners shooting at each other, a truly wonderful sight.


Of course, I'm going to join that conflict and I haven't forgotten about Thatch and Charles-Towne either, but that's content for an upcoming post. To be continued!


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Translated by DeepL

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