Adventures in the depths. In search of medicines.

A lot of things have happened in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag since my last post and, since due to technical issues I'm going to have to skip some of the story, here's a little recap. After meeting with Kidd I discover that he is actually named Mary Read and using her womanly charms I create a distraction to be able to enter the estate of the slaver Laurens Prins. Once inside the estate I was able to assassinate the slaver, but I had to flee immediately, as the sage shot at the camp to raise the alarm.


Some time later in Nassau I find Thatch and Hornigold discussing the so-called "King's Pardon" and the different views they had on the future of Nassau. For Hornigold it was no longer worth any effort for Nassau. Instead, for Thatch it was his dream Pirate Republic, his land for free men and women. Hornigold didn't want to draw attention to it, instead, Thatch didn't care and was willing to give his all to keep Nassau afloat.


To stay true to his ideals and prove he was worth it, Thatch suggested I search for medicine in a sunken shipwreck, but first I had to buy a diving bell. Said bell far exceeded my budget, so I did what any cash-strapped pirate would do: go take it from others.


After much wandering the seas, raiding merchants and making assassination contracts, I was finally able to scrape together enough money to buy the diving bell, so I headed back to Nassau.


Upon arrival, the first thing I did was to notice the Spanish galleon we had stolen and which was now anchored off to one side in the bay, with all its cannons ready to sink any enemy vessel.


After completing the dive campaign, I set out again on the journey to the wreck site where Thatch was waiting for me. The first part of the trip was uneventful and I made sure to go as close to shore as possible to collect some treasures and musical notes, as that area was unexplored.


The second part of the trip was more complicated, as we were hit by a storm that brought with it huge waves and waterspouts. As if that were not enough, we were detected by enemy ships, which I had to sink in the middle of the storm.


When I finally escaped the storm I arrived at the agreed place and looked through my spyglass to see that Tatch was captaining a new ship called "Queen Anne's Revenge".


When I asked him how many guns his frigate was carrying he mockingly replied that he had lost count. At that time I learned that Bonnet had joined the crew of Thatch and wished him the best of luck.


After exchanging a few words with Thatch and Bonnet I made my way to the drop site and dove down along with the diving bell.


Already in the depths I hurried to inspect the area a bit and locate the breathing points, which were nothing more than barrels that floated because of the air they contained inside.


After advancing a bit and dodging a few jellyfish, I reached the entrance to the hold of one of the sunken ships. Upon entering the hold I find one of the boxes of medicine, but when I try to take it I cause a mini cave-in that not only blocks my escape route, but also ruined the medicines.


Now that I was trapped and almost out of air, all that was left for me to do was to go through the reef through an underwater cave and pray that the cave had an exit or at least some air reservoir in which to breathe.

Luckily for me the cave led me to an exit, but when I tried to get out I found that it was the area the Thatch crew was exploring and it was crawling with sharks.


Swimming close to the ground and through the seaweed, I manage to outwit the sharks and use the bell of the recently devoured crewman. Upon surfacing, I notify Thatch that the medicines are no good, as they are corrupted.


When he heard the news, something changed in his face. He then lit four wicks and placed them in his hat, and then gave a speech about the power of fear instilled in men. He let me know that if I could find some non-violent way to get the medicines, he would help me, but in the meantime he would do things his way.

Hearing those words, I didn't hesitate to think that this was the beginning of Tatch's descent into madness that would lead him to lose his life. But to know that, you'll have to wait for a future post, because that's as far as I'll leave it for today. Goodbye and until next time.


Thank you very much for reading my post. If you liked it, please leave a comment and consider following me so you don't miss my next posts. I'd love to know your opinion and your thoughts about the topic I discussed in this post, see you in the next one!


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