Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 12: CCC's Street Art Contest #162

Have a look the winners of last week's entry, you will be amazed at the great graffiti shared from around the world. They are just so cool!
While at it, read up on the rules to participate and join in on the fun.

The contest is hosted by @digi-me.

This is my entry for CCC's Street Art Contest #162 and part 12 series of the longest graffiti mural in Africa.


In this section of the wall, the artist portrays horsemen and people dancing to a drum beat.

The horsemen on the left, the dancers in the middle, and a man with a drum far-right.


I like the lady with the mirror, the artist painted a reflection of her head in the mirror as jumps which I like.


I like the cool colors and the earthly background, I find the dancers captivating as they jump.


My favorite is the guy next to the drummer, he looks like he jumped higher than others.


A better shot 📸 of the drummer.


The Assistants to these paintings are as above. I can't tell who is the main artist from the above names as it mentions assistants only.

This mural (Effet Graff) is located in Cotonou in the Republic of Benin.

The aim of the Effet Graff festival is to achieve one of the longest murals in the world.

Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 1

Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 2

Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 3

Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 4

Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 5

Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 6

Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 7

Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 8

Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 9

Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 10

Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 11

What Is Hive

We owe it to ourselves to make Hive great

Image by @doze

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