Africa's Longest Graffiti Mural Part 1: CCC's Street Art Contest #151

My interest in joining the street art community was sparked by the longer graffiti mural in Africa. The wall is like an outdoor museum of Benin about 940 meters in length just a few meters shy of a kilometer and from what I saw from walking and photographing the entire mural, it looks like it will extend further.

It has been nothing short of fun in the street art community. Anyone can join in and participate, all you have to do is read up on the rules here, hosted by @digi-me.


The mural is so colorful you are bound to look even though you have passed the 940m wall several times. I passed the wall upon my arrival from South Africa on the 28th of February and I told myself I am coming for you with my camera.


So a little over 3 weeks ago I was out there photographing the entire wall and it took me more than an hour. And it was fun!


I like the map of Benin and the hands on the globe. It is a beautiful art that portrays unity to me. And it turned out I wasn't far off the message from the artist Eduardo Kobra, a Brazilian artist after I did some research on the artist's name.



The mural, which is located on the walls of the former Hotel du Port, depicts twelve people, each representing a different religion and a department of Benin, all facing the sky, holding hands. The artist’s message is clear: we can all live together in harmony, regardless of our religion or lack thereof. The mural is part of Eduardo Kobra‘s “Coexistence” project, which aims to promote understanding, respect and love between different religions and different members of society.


Very beating and colorful art, we sure can all live in harmony regardless of color, age, or religion.




This artist's name: Eduardo Kobra.
This painting is located in Cotonou Benin, you are not going to miss it I can bet on that.


A close-up shot, to enjoy the artwork.



I chose a nice weather day to do this, I enjoyed the walk, the sky also blend in well with the wall.
So here is part 1 of the longest graffiti mural in Africa, not sure how long it will take for me to finish, some are going to be tricky to share as they blend into the next artwork but I am going to be having fun with them. 😃

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