Binnenhof (Den Haag, THE NETHERLANDS)


The Binnenhof in The Hague is the administrative and political seat of power of The Netherlands. It is a short walk away from Den Haag Centraal Station, next to the main shopping areas and another short walk away from most of the major embassies in the city.

The area has been a seat of power since the 13th century when the country of The Netherlands had not yet been formed. The major local powers at that time were Wassenaar, Holland and Delft. At that time, the only buildings were simple homesteads, which have since expanded into the larger buildings that now exist to govern the country.

These days, the Binnenhof is open to the public to walk through and explore, with the exception of special ceremonial days for the government. Of course, this only applies to the outer courtyard areas, the buildings are still very much in use for the administrative duties of the government.

The Ridderzaal (Knight's Hall, pictured above) is the central building of Binnenhof complex. It is the building that will be most familiar to the Dutch public, as it is the location for the ceremonial opening of the Dutch Parliament as well as the host for all state visits and other formal occasions.


Within the private building areas, are the administrative arms of the government as well as the office of the Prime Minister. From here, the King's Palace (the city one at least) is a short bike ride away... and the current (and previous) Prime Minister is known to just wheel out a bike to ride down the road to meet with the Head of State! Most recently, to tender his resignation and the resignation of the Dutch Cabinet...


The two houses of Parliament (the First and Second chambers) are also housed in the complex. However, their buildings are more modern buildings that are on the outskirts of the historical complex, and not visible from the inner courtyard.


The inner courtyard is notably clear of decorations. This fountain in one corner is the only bit of decorative flair in the cobbled area.


The Dutch arms do make an appearance on most of the buildings though! I'm afraid that I'm not really a scholar of these coats of arms... there is likely some differences to denote the different areas that they represent, but I'm afraid that that is beyond my knowledge!


Entry into the courtyard is via two high gates. These gates have two pedestrian routes on either side of the main opening. The main opening is wide enough for cars, and more importantly, the horse-drawn King's Carriage!


Just outside the Binnenhof, on the Centraal Station side of the complex is the museum Mauritshaus. It is home to many paintings of the Dutch Golden Age, and most famously to the "Girl with the Pearl Earring". It's a great place to visit, not too big, just perfect for a morning or afternoon visit without getting exhausted.... plus, it has been recently renovated with a more modern visitor centre.

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