Sunset sights

Sunset is one of the most wonderful and beautiful manifestations of the god, who is never touched by human hands, and is not polluted by any interference from any living being. , to announce his temporary absence, who is red with shame.
I hope you like these Photos😍😍😍
My freind rouma I miss you so much ❤️❤️❤️


Photo I took with my phone


Photo i took with my phone

my friend Rouma

Photo I took with my phone

Le coucher du soleil est l'une des plus merveilleuses et des plus belles manifestations du dieu, qui n'est jamais touchée par des mains humaines, et n'est polluée par aucune ingérence d'aucun être vivant. , pour annoncer son absence temporaire, qui est rougie de honte.😍😍.

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