Artsy Donkey – Plenty of Boké :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (365/366)


Today I made something artistic. No flash, three light sources. Hand held the camera.

I know I could have used the tripod, but I wanted to be free with the composition.

It came out a bit crude, but I managed to smoothen out some of the rough spots in post.

I like these types of photos where I can fade out the background to the point it doesn't exist, by using either aperture, or by light. Or like in this case, both.

Tell me, what kind of tricks are your favourites to separate the background from your subject?

One day to go!

Again, I have no idea what to do after this project. I might take a short break and start posting photos from my back catalog to the @Ambifokus account though. And also some photos for @Ninnu too.

Other than that, I haven't really thought about it.


I thought my sinusitis had mostly passed already, but today it came back. It's like I have some little critters crawling in my nose, and I can't help but sneeze all day. Even rinsing the sinuses hasn't helped.

I think if this continues I'll order an appointment with the doctor. I need I think something stronger to fix my nose.

See ya!

Daily and Fresh 📷 #366
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Weekly and Fresh 📸 #50
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