Weekly and Fresh 📸 (51/52)

Hi Hive!

Only one week to go!

Last week started with a lot of cuteness, as the puppies had opened their eyes.

I was finally able to take photos of their cute little faces and expressions. All of the puppies are quite the personalities with their yapping and play fighting (yes, they already do that while they can't even stand stable on their feet).

They do piss around quite a lot though.

And I do need to make them a ramp for their nest box. But because I fell ill earlier this week, I haven't been able to go buy any materials for it. (Some tools could come in handy too.)

Before I got sick though, I managed to take photos of an otter in the wild. And I think that in itself was rather wild. If only I had a better lens and camera.

Miro and I bonded by taking some snowy photos in the forest last Tuesday.

And then I fell ill with the sinusitis. All the rest of the photos were hard to come by, because being sick, one is basically limited to staying home all the time.

(I hope I will get over it soon though. It won't make that good material for posting online.)

Anyway, enough blabbering... Let's get on with the photos!

Here are the posts I made in #DailyAndFresh last week:


Maksimillian opened his eyes! 📷


Computer updates for my father, and Milaya 📷


Countryside in snow & wildlife @ Immilä Mill 📷


Smartphone photography in the forest with Miro 📷


Sick with sinusitis, again! 📷


Still sick. Here's a puppy photo. 📷


New birds at Merrasjärvi 📷

I hope you liked the photos here! If you did, please click on your favourites and maybe comment on them, share them if you like, and upvotes will also be appreciated! 😁

See you again soon! The last week of the project is about to start!

(Edit: I forgot to edit the day numbers in this post, fixed now.)

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