Started making an exit and enter ramp for the puppies, and the treetops are snowless again. :: Daily and Fresh πŸ“· (361/366)


It's a good thing I had bought these clamps earlier. I thought I needed them for using in photography, but it turned out they are good for so much more.

For gluing things, the clamps do a nice job holding the pieces together.

Almost all the snow had fallen or melted away from the trees.

But it may be that there's more snow tomorrow. At least it was snowing a lot when I brought Miro back from his Taekwondo classes today.

Unlike normally, they were training outside in the snow today, as there have been new covid19 restrictions in place for group gatherings here.

There's been some talk of possible curfews in the news. We've not had those here yet. I wonder how it's going to go down if they were to instate them.

But yes, well I'll post another snow update tomorrow.

See ya!

Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #362
Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #363
Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #364
Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #365
Daily and Fresh πŸ“· #366

Weekly and Fresh πŸ“Έ #51
Weekly and Fresh πŸ“Έ #50
Weekly and Fresh πŸ“Έ #49
Weekly and Fresh πŸ“Έ #48
Weekly and Fresh πŸ“Έ #47

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