The end of myplus1 series! on to other beginnings!

CTP BP Weekly Update #76.jpg

Hello, awesome people!

Welcome to the CTP Blueprint Weekly!

This week's My Plus1 series episodes are Day 29 and Day 30!

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And with a bittersweet feeling, the series is complete!

I started this series way back in April with the 3StepsNoExcuses Challenge! You can check the beginning here!

You can check the first 7 days of the series if you are a Guide member and if you enjoyed it you can always consider subscribing and watching the complete series as well as many other videos that can help you through your journey!

And with that, it's time for the winter break of creating videos inside CTP Blueprint! I need to recharge my video content bar and it's also time to rewatch what I have and refresh and change the ones that are already and most likely outdated already!

I might do a recap and give y'all a sneak peek of what I have inside the Video Membership next week ;)

And will try to focus on other projects from the infinite list of course!

I will always been doing these weekly posts even so either with updates or some kind of content that might bring some value to you!

Until then...Enjoy today's video :)


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