My Plus1 Series - Embrace another Adventure with me!

CTP BP Weekly Update #48.jpg

Hello Buzzy Bees!

Welcome to the CTP Blueprint Weekly!

If you've been around with what I've been doing and a bunch of others on the CTP Swarm Community, we've been through an adventure and we are a couple of days away from the ending of the #3StepsNoExcuses! Or is it the beginning? ;)

It has been a bumpy few days with my little one at home asking for attention plus other projects on the way so I decided to keep the Traffic Exchanges and Mailers as they are for this month so on the next one I can give you better information and organization that you deserve!

But what I can say is Mailers have been kicking again in conversions ;)

The weekly videos for the Video Membership will be always on, in fact, I decided to throw a video series inside so I hope it adds tons of value for you!


It's called My Plus1!

Inspired by @jongolson's Ebook and Affilliatech program Plus1Success, I decided to create my own video series to complement with Jon's videos inside the program with my experiences and opinions for each day for 30 days according to the Ebook. 30 pieces of, hopefully, quality content will be added weekly so tons of videos coming your way!

As a treat, especially for my Guide Membership Members, I will provide the first 7 days of the series and it will be on the Plus1 section! (36).gif

So the My Plus1 will be either on the Guide and on the Videos Section, with the Guide only getting until Day 7.

Having some issues in adding the Introduction video in the Videos Page but everyone can watch it on the Guide :)

And that's about it!

#3StepsNoExcuses Adventure

Even though we are at the end of this adventure, you can always start anytime, as long as you keep doing it for 30 days! Let us know where you're at and we share the tasks with you :)

This will help everyone who is just starting in this Online Marketing journey or who is here for a while but not seeing results!

For 30 days we are going to go through simple tasks from 3 amazing programs to help you out in this journey:

  • We will be going through Online Marketing and Business training lessons inside Click Track Profit
  • Learn Email Marketing and improve our writing skills with ListNerds
  • Develop professional and even personal habits with Plus1Success

This last one is actually an Ebook that I can give you right now if you wanna take a peek:

You don't have to do this alone but it's up to you to take action and do the work!

My tip: Document everything! Write down everything you are experiencing! This will be not only your source of comparison and how you are progressing but also an awesome source of content either posting here on Hive/CTPTalk or even writing emails!

Speaking of content, if you are sharing this adventure in blog posts, here's my personal task to you: Be as creative as possible, and don't use the word "challenge"! Creativity will help you stand out from others who might document this journey or other events :)

Don't forget to join us in our CTP Telegram Group!

Hope to see your posts and social media shares :)


Still asking my fellow members for testimonials! I will give you a treat!

Don't forget to Like @clicktrackprofit's Facebook page, as well the CTP Blueprint Page to get notified by the webinars coming live!

Thank you so so much for your support!!



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