Photo by Patrik Sykora

September is a very special month because this is the month we celebrate our birthday; and in 2023 we will celebrate our SECOND BIRTHDAY, OUR SECOND ANNIVERSARY. Yes, two years ago, on the 10th of September, Plant Power (Vegan) was born in Hive, which has become a wonderful experience that fills us with happiness and satisfaction, because during these 24 months we have formed a beautiful community where good vibes, harmony, respect, as well as delicious vegan food, have allowed us to learn and grow.


We have the great fortune and blessing to have all of you, our dear users and members, very valuable people, great content creators, loving, honest, genuine, sincere people who choose our community every day to share your excellent publications, as well as, for the beautiful interaction through your kind and valuable comments. And there are already 1,724 users subscribed to Plant Power (Vegan), thank you very much!


We have also had the invaluable support of our delegators, as well as all the people who have joined the voting trail. We also thank the curators of various curation houses and the whales, who have recognized the work done by our users and by the community itself, through their constant visits and votes. We want to give a special thanks to the witness @sagarkothari88, who has supported our community extensively and lovingly.


It has not been an easy task to go through these two years, as we have experienced difficult, sad and even disappointing moments; but our love for the planet encourages us to move forward. We believe that this space dedicated to veganism is fundamental in the blockchain; because this philosophy of life offers a loving and compassionate perspective with nature, animals, plants, with other people and also with ourselves.


For this reason, day by day, week by week, we try to give a little vegan love to the content creators who make life in the Hive ecosystem, through our curation reports: Meatless Monday, The Best of the Week, Vegan Love to Us, Vegan Love to All. Also with our contests and initiatives such as Your Veggie Shopping, Vegan Love for the Planet, among others.


We also take this opportunity to announce that in the coming days we will be calling for contests and some special surprises that we hope you will all enjoy..


We really appreciate that you choose Plant Power (Vegan) every day to post your great posts and that you are also members of our community, because you are all the most important part of Plant Power (Vegan). A big hug and lots of vegan love to you all!


Delegations welcome!

Find our community here | Curation Trail

Vote for our witness @sagarkothari88

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