Be conscious...


Hello plant based foodies, wherever you are in the world!

Life represents a set of experiences, events, some more pleasant than others, some more significant than others; however, they all have something in common: Being experiences not only of an individual nature, but in one way or another they become collective, since other entities, other beings, other people intervene directly or indirectly in them.


We make this reflection, because many times we lose the perspective that we are not alone on this planet, but that we live in community; and this is especially important when we see the whole of nature, plants, animals, bodies of water, land, forests, etc., that perfect and delicate coexistence, that incredible balance of ecosystems, which is generally interrupted by the unconscious action of man.


It is for this reason that today, from the Plant Power (Vegan) community, we want to call on all of you, dear members of the vegan family, as well as all our readers, to resume that state of CONSCIOUSNESS, so necessary to live in harmony and well-being. We well know that many times the environment can be hostile, difficult, adverse; and this is the product of the social, historical, political, economic, institutional, personal circumstances that we may be experiencing; but even so, it is very important to reach a state of consciousness that allows us to see our journey through this world objectively; because it will make us be more compassionate with others, (animals, plants, humans, environment), and careful of the footprint we leave behind. Achieving it is not that difficult, since it is based on simple life practices, which we can progressively apply in everyday life. We have already talked about them previously, in other posts, and today we wanted to remind you of them, emphasizing the value of assuming them as life habits. Let's look at some of the things we can do to BE CONSCIOUS


  • Practice otherness, that is, "put yourself in the shoes of the other", this will allow you to better understand the reasons for the behavior of others, and helps promote empathy, avoiding negative emotions, as well as conflicts.

  • Be compassionate with others, and when we say others, this also extends to other species, besides humans, (animals, plants). The suffering of others should not be a source of joy for anyone who claims to be a conscious human being, and if we can avoid or alleviate it, then let's get to work! There is no greater cruelty than silence in the face of the pain of others.

  • In life you will receive what you give, so treat others as you would like to be treated. It is difficult on many occasions, we know it well, but try to think a little before saying or doing something.

  • Analyze your energy consumption habits, observe yourself, this will allow you to know when you are wasting energy, which in the end represents an additional expense for you and an extra load for the planet. Also, if you reduce your energy consumption, you will save resources, money.

  • If you can't love, at least respect all animals, no matter what species they belong to.

  • Even if you are not vegan, try one day a week to eat a diet without meat and without animal products, for example a MEATLESS MONDAY. In this community you will find hundreds of recipes that can be useful if you want to do this.

  • We have exposed other simple suggestions, which can also help you to be more conscious, in the following posts:

  • Be Vegan…

  • Be compassionate… say NO to fireworks


We know well that we are all human, and therefore, we are all imperfect because we are learning, but trying every day to BE CONSCIOUS can help us to be happier and live in harmony with others, in a state of full well-being, not only for us, but also for the environment and for others. So give yourself the opportunity every day to: BE CONSCIOUS..


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