Hive Book Club Highlight #315


Welcome to Hive Book Club Highlight #315



Hey everyone! to kick off some more activity in the community, let's start out this week by this simple prompt!

Which romance author do you think deserves more recognition, and what book would you recommend from them?

There's no minimum of words and feel free to tell us about it.

This isn't a contest but a weekly prompt that will happen every Monday 😊 as perhaps throughout the week you have finished reading a book and wanted to share a particular experience when you finished reading a book. Let us know if you make one! there might be some tip along the way 😊


Today we're highlighting some of these content that you might enjoy. Check them out & don't forget to engage.

Author: @apunawu


The mysterious child is a very nice short story novel written by Agha Maureen Ezinne. The author of this book is just 12 years old still in her secondary school level. She is born from the family of Agha in Egwuta Ngodo village Afikpo North Local Government of Ebonyi State Nigeria. The book was published in 2024.

Author: @karinxxl


I'm not a good book reader even though I enjoy doing this a lot actually. I don't really have the patience for it, and when I do...Often something else comes along for distraction. It has been multiple times already that I had started a book on a trip somewhere (because that is usually when I find the time and dedication to actually sit and read something) and that I end up finishing it only on the next trip a year later.

Author: @viviehardika


I found this book randomly while window shopping at an online bookstore on social media. The online bookstore is owned by an online friend I met from a writing community 12 years ago. I had never seen this book before. When it arrived I was surprised by its contents. This is Danshari, a book by Hideko Yamashita about the art of decluttering that has a positive impact on human life.

Author: @teknon


A movie star falling in love with an author? I practically devoured this book in one sitting.
My first thought was that this was going to be a friends-to-lover’s storyline, which is my favorite romance trope, but absolutely nothing could prepare me for excitement that coursed through me, when I discovered that not only was this plot a friends-to lover’s plot, but also a celebrity romance plot.
Certainly something you think you can only come across in romance movies.
However, while I am not a fan of slow burn romance, which is a major part of what characterized this novel, I most definitely found this book entertaining and enjoyable, and here's what I think of it:
"To love Jason Thorn" is a contemporary romance novel, about Olive Taylor and Jason Thorn who have known each other since childhood.

Author: @jessuses1381


One of the things that caught me the most about this book is how the author captures all the essence of a true friendship, we can see that since they were little, the relationship between Alba and Nacho is very authentic.... She does a great job of showing how a friendship can evolve over the years, from the innocence of childhood to the challenges of adulthood...the novel also tackles much more difficult topics, but with a lot of depth and sensitivity. Without going into spoilers, I can say that there is no hiccup in exploring all the dark sides of life, including the pain of loss, illness and abuse. However, it does so in a way that is not overwhelming, but rather reminds us of the importance of cherishing every moment and the people we truly love.

Author: @wongi


Absolute power is certainly an intriguing title for a book. When I initially came across this particular book, I assumed it would be about someone with enormous power, either using their power for good or for evil. This is because, we live in a world where people use their power, irrespective of how little it may be, for either benevolence or malevolence; with the latter always ahead of the former.

Author: @adesetio


Over the years, I have said one of the things that have really shaped me and shaped my life is the fact that I have learnt how to read books. At the early stage of my life, I have come to understand the popular quote that said readers are leaders. The greatest disease that can ever happen to any man is the disease of ignorance and one of the things that I have done to be able to avoid ignorance is to get knowledge.

What is Hive Book Club?

Hive Book Club is a community made by book lovers, for book lovers. A place where the chaotic minds of writers may punch away words from their keyboards as they share their writing adventures. Where passionate book collectors may rummage through their stacks of books to share and review their latest additions. Outside of our regular curation process, we may create contests for our community to participate in, and earn even more from their posts. If you have a certain theme for a future contest you would like to see, let us know! Be sure to check with us frequently on our various social media platforms to avoid missing out!

How Do We Choose The Highlighted Posts?

For those of you curious as to how you may have been chosen or would like to be chosen in the future in one of these compilations: we scan through the community and read the many posts that the community members write. We then select four or five posts that we believe meet certain criteria and are worthy of sharing with the rest of the community. We aim to keep these selections diverse in style, from writing skills or subject matter.

Hence, throughout the week, the moderators will check the community and manually handpick the posts. Some factors include the post subject, post quality, engagement, personal voice, and general effort. If we choose you, or you happen to stumble across these highlights, please do check out the other posts we feature, and contribute to their curation and engagement!


We also have a Discord server! Be sure to join it to stay up-to-date with the latest events, and communicate with our community! Hive Book Club Server

Hive Book Club is supported in the OCD Community Incubation Program. If you like what they do for the community, OCD Has a Hive Witness ... @OCD-Witness! You can vote for @ocd-witness, with Hive Witnesses.

Join us today and discover the joy of being part of a vibrant book club community!

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