Saturday Hangout | Let's Talk Genres


I think it's safe to say that I've found a community that's fast becoming a family in Hive Book Club. I would have to confess that I was sceptical the first time I joined the book hangout. I wasn't sure what to expect exactly. But @stevenson7 and everyone else present proved me wrong. I had one of the best book hangouts. Today was no different. The topic was;

If you are/were an author, what genre would you write about and why?

I've always loved freestyles whenever I write, from fiction to poetry. Of course if I decide to write and publish today, I would go for literary fiction.

courtesy of google

Literary fiction is a controversial label that, in the book trade, refers to market novels which do not fit neatly into an established genre (see genre fiction); or, otherwise, refers to novels that are character-driven rather than plot-driven, examine the human condition, use language in an experimental or poetic fashion, or are simply considered "serious" art.

While I love to watch science fiction and sometimes historic films, I don't see myself writing them. I like all the mysteries and magic on the screen not on paper. I guess it's weird that I can enjoy science fiction and paranormal movies but I can't read them. I'm sure Harry Potter is making faces at me right now. LOL.

Literary fiction follows no form or genre. This is my style of writing and of course reading. There are no restrictions, you get to pour your whole heart into your writing. I connect more with literary stories than I do any other form of writing. You can feel both the soul of the author and the characters while reading.

I have nothing against other genres though. I learned some new things during the hangout. I didn't realise self help was a genre on its own. New things everyday.

You should come join us.

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