Gianluca's story [ENG - ESP]


Gianluca had gotten up suspiciously early that morning, he had tried unsuccessfully to keep his parents from being curious about his sudden change from having to go to the bakery every day.

— Son, are you feeling all right? —Virginia couldn't believe it —Do you need a pill? You must have a fever.

— No mom, I don't need a pill and I don't have a fever, why?

— What do you mean, why? You never get up this early.

— I didn't want my dad to come into my room armed with pots and pans and scandalize the poor people on this flat.


Gianluca se había levantado sospechosamente temprano aquella mañana, había tratado sin éxito de que sus padres no sintieran curiosidad por su repentino cambio con respecto al hecho de tener que ir a la panadería todos los dias.

— ¿Hijo te sientes bien? —Virginia no se lo podía creer —¿necesitas una pastilla? debes tener fiebre.

— No mama, no necesito una pastilla ni tampoco tengo fiebre ¿por qué?

— ¿Cómo que por qué? Nunca te levantas tan temprano.

— No quería que mi papa entrará a mi habitación armado de ollas y escandalizado a la pobre gente de este piso.

— Then come and eat, I've made something for you to eat for breakfast, it's delicious!

— I'll eat it at the bakery mom, can you wrap it up?

— But how? - Virginia looks a little worried but feigns disinterest- Are you going to the bakery again?

—Of course he's going again! He won't stay here! —His father had come out of his room without hiding his surprise at seeing his son up and about —he's going to earn his plate of food like any good man in this country.

— Yes, Dad...

— Well hurry up, we are leaving right now.

— Entonces ven y come, que les he hecho algo para que os desayunéis ¡que esta riquísimo!

— Me lo comeré en la panadería mama ¿puedes envolverlo?

— ¿Pero cómo? — Virginia luce algo preocupada pero finge desinterés— ¿Vas de nuevo a la panadería?

—¡Por supuesto que va de nuevo! aquí no se quedará— Su padre había salido de su habitación sin esconder la sorpresa al ver a su hijo levantado — se va a ganar el plato de comida como cualquier hombre de bien de este país.

— Si papa…

— Bueno apresura que nos vamos ahora mismo.

Gianluca tried to fool himself with the excuse that he had enjoyed going to his father's business again, but the truth was that he had liked Juan very much. He had been interrogated by that handsome Venezuelan the day before, which had made him forget that he was in the bakery almost punished.

Juan had arrived in Spain just 3 months ago, he still didn't have a work permit and his father had hired him on the recommendation of Father Ramon, since then he had been working in the bakery, he was only 25 years old and was a graphic designer, musician and a professional when it came to making him laugh. Besides, the pasta that the boy had prepared for his lunch and that he gladly shared with him was delicious and he had told him that he was ready to get married.

— I don't think so, in Venezuela I would never have married — That answer had puzzled him, why wouldn't he have married in Venezuela? He had had to leave his family in his own country, he was alone in another distant nation where he knew so few people.

After lunch they had spoken little and at the end of the day they joked with Julian as they cleaned and closed the box. It is a new day and his father parks the car and as always sees no intention in him to get out of the car. This time he makes no mention of anything to him and for some reason he likes to be left alone, meanwhile he kept avoiding the girl he was dating. Maybe he was bisexual and didn't know it, the truth is that whatever it was he was going to find out very soon.

Gianluca intentaba engañarse con la excusa de que le había gustado ir otra vez al negocio de su papa, pero la verdad es que Juan le había caído súper bien. Le había hecho un interrogatorio aquel guapo venezolano día anterior que le había hecho olvidar que estaba en la panadería casi castigado.

Juan había llegado a España hacia apenas 3 meses, todavía no tenía el permiso de trabajo y su papa lo había contratado por recomendación del Padre Ramón, desde entonces trabajaba en la panadería tenía tan solo 25 años y era diseñador gráfico, músico y un profesional a la hora de hacerlo reír. Además la pasta la pasta que había preparado el muchacho para su almuerzo y que compartió con gusto con él estaba riquísima y le había dicho que ya estaba listo para casarse.

— No creo, en Venezuela nunca me hubiera casado — Aquella respuesta le había desconcertado, ¿por qué razón no se hubiera casado en Venezuela? También le había sorprendido la madurez de aquel hombre había tenido que dejar a su familia en su país, estaba solo en otra nación lejana en la cual conocía a tan poca gente.

Después del almuerzo habían hablado poco y al terminar la jornada bromearon con Julián mientras limpiaban y cerraban la caja. Mientras tanto es un nuevo día y su papa aparca el coche de nuevo y como siempre no ve intenciones en su papa de querer bajar del coche. Esta vez no le hace mención a nada y por alguna razón le gusta quedarse solo, mientras tanto seguía evadiendo a la chica con la que estaba saliendo. Quizás era bisexual y no lo sabía lo cierto es que sea que fuera lo iba a averiguar muy pronto.

𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 | 𝐎𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐞 𝐦𝐢 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫í𝐚:

Goodbye, my love goodbye
Childhood memories

Translated by me & also using Deepl

Source of the Image in the cover

GIF elaborated by @equipodelta

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