Cat and it's shadow

I was waiting for my food delivery when I saw this cat walking around, back and forth at apartment lobby area. I'm not sure what it was looking for. I meowed to the cat and it meowed back. I walk slowly towards it and tried to pet it. But it quickly run and put a distance between us.

This cat is in young adult age. As far I know, cat have four age stages. First age stage is kitten, then young adult. After that is mature adult, and lastly is senior. By my observation, I noticed it is a male cat.



I tried to pet the cat multiple times, but he just wouldn't let me get near him. Usually when I encountered elusive kind of cat, I will lure them with cat food. But I didn't bring any cat food with me at the moment.

The cat didn't go far. He stay near me, walking, and sometime lying around.



Next to the apartment lobby is a pet shop. I noticed that the pet shop leave a bowl of cat food in front of their entrance. I took the bowl and bring it near to the cat.

He was really hungry. I can tell by looking at the way he eats the cat food. Within few minutes, the cat food in the bowl is finished.



After eating all the cat food, he comes near me and lie down and showing he's belly. Almost like he want me to pet his belly. But whenever I try to pet him, he will get up and distance himself from me.

Then after a while, he come near me again. He keep repeating the same thing over and over again.



Finally, after few tries, finally he allow me to pet him 😁 but still, he doesn't want me to hold him.


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