DCC tag contest - The winners who supported #confidence tag !


I was a bit busy visiting Moscow a few days ago. That's why I didn't share the list of the winners of the following contest : DCC tag contest.

The previous week, we supported the tag #confidence and the entries were really awesome !

Since we have 10 entries, I'll distribute more DCCs !

Let it be from 20 to 2 for each participant depending on their entries.

So, 20 will be sent to the first, 18 to the second and go on.


I'll send 20 DCC to @funshee, 18 DCC to @merit.ahama, 16 DCC to @samostically, 14 DCC to @readthisplease, 12 DCC to @attentionneeded , 10 DCC to @chincoculbert, 8 DCC to @doziekash, 6 DCC to @vikbuddy, 4 DCC to @ijohnsen, and 2 DCC to @onwugbenuvictor.


As well, I'll send 2 DCC to @iskafan who wrote this post : What have been your worst financial decisions? and promoted : People & Assets: A Probable Investment? the post of @josediccus.

I would like as well to reward two of great two collaborations on hive blockchain with 10 DCCs each !


Some promoted posts by the winners will be rewarded as well !

So, you can always promote someone in #dcc, and I'll check their content and support !

Let's make this initiative improve the curation on the blockchain !

Chech the use case of DCC token here !

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