How I Influenced My Brother Into Learning How To Cook || Weekend Engagement Topic

Hello friends, welcome to this weekend engagement topic, I hope your weekend is going on cool and blissful.

To this weekend topic;

Describe a situation in which you positively influenced someone - Who was it and in what way did you influence them, how did they accept it and what was the outcome.

If I should go by what someone told me a long time ago about everyone having their own supper power, then I will say my own supper power is influencing people.

Hash! I know that may sound absurd but calm down am not a bad person. So, you're in a safe hand.

So, when I cares about someone, I try to look at the areas the person is lacking and then use my supper power to make them better.

You see, you're safe !lol.

I love my siblings a lot and my immediate younger brother was no exception. But there was this culture in my place when we were little.

That believed is only a woman place to cook, men were to go to farm and work, well It was good back then, working in the farm is a very hard work, so we woman always do the cooking while the men go to work at the farm.


This was cool, but the world is changing and I can't have my brother lack behind. People in my place no longer spend all our years in the farm like we use to in the past.

People now leave the village to the city to school and get a better job.

So in my final year in school my immediate younger brother got an admission into my school and instead of getting him into a different accommodation I told him he could move in with me inside my off campus apartment.

He was very glad, he thought he won't have to worry about cooking for the next one year. Since I will be doing the cooking. Hmmm! If only he knew what was installed for him.

Few days later, I called him one evening and told him, he has to learn how to cook and starting from next morning he will be the one to prepare our brakefasts and lunchs while I will be handling dinners.

You really needs to see the look on his face that day, like what in heaven will he cook. He reminded me just in case I forgot that he is a male child and I'm a girl child and in no way should a boy cook while I'm around.

I smiled back at him, and told him to look around, did he see his mom and dad around, he said no. I told him in that house I made the rule and my rule is final.

He hated me for that, but the following day he complied, and cooked rice for both of us in the morning with too much salt in it.


He thought I was going to complained but I simply corrected him and thaught him how to salt the food in case of next time.

I continued to guide him on how to cook different dishes for about four months and he loved me for it.

I was really glad it worked out well between us, I can't have my brother eating junk foods for his four years program in school. There were not much great restaurant around and even if there was it will be too much expensive for his pocket.

When I left him, my mind was at rest knowing that he could take cares of his food.

He will be rounding up his program next month ending and we can't wait to have him back. We are all proud of the kind of man he has grown up to be.

Thank you very much for your attention,

Much Love from Funshee.

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