Animated GIF creations by ME, in last month (from 6th of February to 2nd of March 2024) " 40th Edition"

Hi there lovely and creative people of Hive World,
Hope you all are fine and having a nice day 😜

It is 40th Edition of my "Animated GIF Creations by me of my Own Drawings".

cover GIF

After a long gap, I re-start doing my GIF creation and sharing the monthly GIF compilation from last month. And this month I created about 6 new GIF blogs to Hive Block-chain.

Couple of those are my casual GIF and some were for Sunday Creative initiative by HiveLearners and and one GIF with Holozing game character and one is Birthday GIF 😍😍
I also GIF hand drawing character for special 14th Feb ❤️❤️

You can also click on any link below to check my other Monthly editions from the beginning...

Hope you will enjoy every GIF here 👇

It was 2019, December when I got an idea to share whole month gif work in a blog named it with edition, and now I am sharing 40th edition 🙏
There were also some months that I skipped and then share two months compilation blog after a gap. WOW its been years 🤓 eheh Time is going with its high speed...

You can check all previous Edition blogs below...

  1. GIF month Nov/Dec
  2. GIF month Dec/Jan
  3. GIF month Jan/Feb
  4. GIF month Feb/Mar
  5. GIF month Mar/Apr
  6. GIF month Apr/May
  7. GIF month May/Jun
  8. GIF month Jun/Jul
  9. GIF month Jul/Aug
  10. GIF month Aug/Sep
  11. GIF month Sep/Oct
  12. GIF month Oct/Nov
  13. GIF month Nov/Dec
  14. GIF month Dec/Jan
  15. GIF month Jan/Feb
  16. GIF month Feb/March
  17. GIF month March/Apr
  18. GIF month Apr/May
  19. GIF month May/Jun
  20. GIF month June/July
  21. GIF month July/Sep
  22. GIF month Sep2021/Jan2022
  23. GIF month Jan/Feb
  24. GIF month Feb/April
  25. GIF month April/June
  26. GIF month June/July
  27. GIF month July/Aug
  28. GIF month Aug/Sep
  29. GIF month Sep/Oct
  30. GIF months Oct/Dec
  31. GIF month Dec2022/Jan 2023
  32. GIF month Jan 2023/Feb 2023
  33. GIF month Feb/April
  34. GIF month Apr/June
  35. GIF month June/July
  36. GIF month July/Aug
  37. GIF month Aug/Sep
  38. GIF month Sep/Oct
  39. GIF month Oct/Feb 2024

Now its time to check Animated Gifs in 40th edition 😌
Hope you will enjoy these GIFs 😁

I picked my theme for 14th Feb and GIF that scene with my hand drawing, it was my task for Sunday Creative initiative...

Blog Link

Its my birthday GIF to wish my friend @tahastories1 on his day 😍

Blog Link

It was a fun task given by my Mr. Dragon (Mr. Neoxian) at #neoxian general chat (Discord). To make my version of neo-snoop-dance emoji 😅...

Blog Link

It was also a hand drawing GIF, I draw a character in pieces and combine those pieces in Photoshop and move in different frames to make GIF. It was my work for upcoming interesting #holozing p2e game in our own HIVE BLOCK-CHAIN 😍😍

Blog Link

It was my casual creation, I GIF that scene to use it on comments and chats with my friends, where I don't agree with them but I don't wanna make them un-happy 🤓🤓
You can jump to this blog to know about it MORE...

Blog Link

Hehe, it was also casual GIF creation for use in comments and chats, where I want to say "don't be so smart..." or simple NO 😜😜

Blog Link

That's all for now 😁

Hope You like it,
You guys can pick stock images from Hive Stock Images for you blogs, I myself added some of my drawings/GIFs to HiveStockImages.
And you can also find some of my GIF/Drawings on #nftshowroom. Visit my Gallery there by Clicking Here.

Also Invites you to check my Gallery at Opensea

Thanks for the Visit


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