A peak into my holiday

Greetings everyone! 🙌

Many of my friends on the blockchain are aware of my current state. I couldn't travel home to be with family because of a tight schedule, and the beginning of the climax of the festive season was filled with a lot of work demands, which I tried as much as possible to tackle before the D-day, 25th December.

The start of my merriment:
One of the things I targeted on this festive season is to lie on my bed like a dead wood and forget anything work-related.

After closing late on the 24th, I made sure to stay in bed the following morning until 10:00 am. There were knocks on my door, and I played deaf to half of them. I needed maximum rest, and anything that would come against it is what I wasn't ready to face. My room was very warm despite the breezy harmattan, and also, my phone battery plus my two power banks were fully charged, so why should I be seen outside?

Food time:

To be sincere, I felt too lazy to get up to cook. In fact, I didn't plan it at all because going around to make a standard Christmas food was tasky to me. So, I settled with leftover food I had in my house, hoping that good neighbors would come with food, but I didn't see anything.
All of them decided to eat and dine alone. Lol 😆

Actually, I have families that I usually visit during Christmas, but this season, I was so lazy to go out. I wasn't interested in going out.

All this changed around 5:00 pm when a particular family called me on the phone to come over. They had waited for me, and when they couldn't hold it anymore, they had to call me. I wanted to object going, but the way the woman sounded, I knew that if I don't go, it'll be painful for her.

"I'm coming, and I'm not coming alone. I'm coming with a cooler to collect food after eating," I replied to her. We laughed over it, and we ended the call.
I got up from bed, dressed up, and headed to the place on a bike. I was surprised to meet a food different from the normal(rice).

It was a plate of goat meat pepper soup. Jeeeez! My all-time favorite! I enjoyed the meal and left home by 7:00 pm. I slept off around 10:00 pm and woke up at 4:00 am the following day, 26th December.

Should relaxation continue, or should I resume work?

"It's going to be another long day to rest," I concluded within myself, and I folded myself with the warm blanket. I wasn't ready to have anything to do with work.

The time was 7:30 am when I had a call from a client. I picked up, and I was told to come to his house for delivery.

Sometimes, customers ought to be considered...
I got up, dressed up, and went to deliver the clothes, and I collected some which he begged me to work on them that day, but I refused because it's a rest day for me.
I rested all day, feeling the sweetness of my bed without any bugging thought.

That's how my holiday has been. I'll try to start attending to work from 27th.

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry to the HiveGhana prompt of the week

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