Get rid of election stress with exercise

I know quite a few people that are very agitated right now and unfortunately most of them are using the oddly placed political energy into getting into heated arguments with strangers on the internet which of course is never going to have a winner, consumes WAAAAAAY too much time and in the end results in both participants simply feeling exactly they did at the start.

A long time ago (or so it feels at the moment) I found myself in a very stressful situation: I had recently had a long-term relationship fall apart, I lost / quit the job I had for a long time, and when I looked in the mirror, I saw a fat ass that I didn't like.

I feel as though this qualifies as significantly more stress than whether or not your preferred candidate gets to have a new job.


During that time, I eventually took my anger and exercise to the track and later to the gym (seriously, do it in this order or you can hurt yourself.)

Bringing a great soundtrack that you of course make devoid of any songs that made you feel the anxiety in the first place would be a great idea and it may surprise you how quickly you stop thinking about Trump, or Biden, or whatever it is about the political situation is that makes you upset.

Focus on the music... focus on the rhythm of your feet as your walk turns into a job and maybe turns into a run.

I was unhappy, I was stressed out, I didn't know what to do with myself and I felt sad a lot but I turned that negative energy into something positive for myself.

my fat ass right around the dark times of my recent past

I'm not saying that you necessarily need to make major life changes right now but that frustration that you are feeling and perhaps spending hours a day arguing with strangers online about, could be much better spend doing something that is actually going to benefit you.

Same guy a year or so later

I found that my anger towards the things that had gone wrong in my life actually motivated me more to push myself in the gym and also outdoors when running and I think that this is where the psychological world that wants to sell you pills has it all wrong: You can solve a lot of these things on your own just by getting up and moving and working that stress away.

Maybe it would surprise you how much better you sleep at night when you worked hard on yourself for the rest of the day. Maybe give it a go?

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