6700 Steps Indoor Walk and House Chores

itravelrox22 just finished a 5.36km walk, that lasted for 71 minutes.
This walk helped itravelrox22 burn 347.9 calories.

Description from Strava:

It is a very productive day today.

I burned 625 calories.

I started with Zumba for 30 minutes.

10 minutes of 100 squats.

10 minutes of stepper machine.

And the rest of the time, I vacuum and mop the floor.

They went grocery shopping and the kids got the chance to go to the park.

Me, alone at home, I got the chance to clean the kitchen area.

Tomorrow, another part of the house to clean. Whew!

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Hi, I am @itravelrox, I am creating this account for my fitness journey. I am a travel blogger, a wife, and a mom of 2 kids. :D



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