5K Steps for the New Year 2024

itravelrox22 just finished a 3.0km walk, that lasted for 48 minutes.
This walk helped itravelrox22 burn 235.2 calories.

Description from Strava:

Bonne Année 2024!

Hi, Exhaust community! I decided to renew myself by doing exercise and monitoringBonne Année 2024!

Hi, Exhaust community! I decided to renew myself by doing exercise and monitor my progress here.

For now, let's do 5k steps every day.

Starting today, will do the following:

  • 30 minutes of Zumba
  • 100 squats a day (5 to 8 mins)
  • 10 minutes of stepping a machine

It can easily achieve 5k steps a day plus doing home chores.

Current weight at 56.4 kg.

I was 57.7 for more than a year.

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Hi, I am @itravelrox, I am creating this account for my fitness journey. I am a travel blogger, a wife, and a mom of 2 kids. :D


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