Long (ish) Run - 22km (cut short to pick up a parcel)

dannewton just finished a 22.15km run, that lasted for 142 minutes.
This run helped dannewton burn 1707.0 calories.

Description from Strava: Whoop Whoop! Its the Weekend! And it's a special 3-day weekend courtesy of the Bank Holiday on Monday. And in time honored tradition here in the UK, the weather is forecast to be feckin' rubbish!

It always seems to rain on Bank Holidays!

This is especially annoying as a couple of days ago we had beautiful weather, warm and sunny and everything. And now look at it!


Yesterday (Friday) was a washout, Sunday is damp, and Monday is wet. The only reasonable day appears to be Saturday, hence why I'm doing a long run today!

I was aiming for 25km today, and unsure where to go. I had a quick look on Strava to create a route and I came up with this:


On first impressions it looks similar to the 'half-marathon' loop I often use, but there is a change while heading back down the bypass. Here I cut back down Canwick Hill, and via South Common before heading home, and that extra distance is just enough to take me to 25km.



That little extra also adds a third hill into the route, and helps me get a little more elevation in than I often do (as most of my routes are reasonably flat)

So route plotted, saved, and added to my watch, I was ready to set off.



These weekend runs can often take awhile for me to get out there and get it done. Generally cos its the weekend and I like to have a little lay-in, or at the least I like the idea of getting up when I'm ready and not needing an alarm.

Today was different. Last night I made a purchase on Amazon, and it was rather expensive. There was an option for next day delivery for a fiver, so considering the cost of it, I felt that was the best option, so I knew it would arrive today. I didn't know when, but I reasoned that it wouldn't be until 3 or 4pm at the earliest.

Therefore if I started my run at 9am sharp, I would be home for 12, and would have plenty of time before it arrived. So that then meant an alarm was needed, and after breakfast, I headed out just before 9am.

I checked my emails, there was a notification that the parcel had been dispatched, but wasn't out for delivery yet... So far so good.


The run was fairly uneventful. The skies were grey, but it still seemed quite bright, and it felt like it was beginning to warm up.

I started by heading down Cross O'Cliff Hill towards town, and then the usual route via Dixon Street which took me on to...


Tritton Road.

The picture shows the University buildings on the other side of the road, and you can just see the Cathedral in the distance on the right hand side.


Brayford Pool


Monks Road


Wragby Road


And then eventually out onto the bypass. I was meandering along quite happily and then this was was all cut short when I received an email from Amazon. It advised that my Parcel was due to be delivered today. The email was sent at 10:45, and annoyingly it only said "due to be delivered today" with no suggested time slot.

for that you need to check the app or sign in to the account online, and I couldn't do either on my phone.

I now had a choice

A - I continue the rest of the route as planned and arrive home at approx 12:00

B - I stop the route I'm doing, and take the shortest (most direct) route home to get there for 11:30

I know its only 30 mins difference, but I'd kick myself if it appeared before 12 and I wasn't in to receive it. Especially as due to the expensive price tag, Amazon advised that I would need to provide an OPT (one-time-password) otherwise it wouldn't get delivered (and the driver couldn't leave it on the door step)

The only sensible option was B - head straight home.

I arrived home at 11:25, and logged into the tracking for the parcel


12:45 - 2:45


I could've got away with doing the extra bit I had planned to do, and still made it home with time to spare.... nevermind. At least I am here now and ready for it.

And what is it you may ask, Dear Reader? Well, there is going to be a dedicated post on it in due course, but for now I can say that it is a Insta 360 X3 (Amazon Link). This is an Action Camera (similar to a GoPro) and basically it means that you, Dear Reader, will soon become a 'Dear Viewer'.

I think it is high time I upgraded my Content Creation options, and so I hope to film some of the walks and runs that I do. There will be trips out, and training runs, and races too. I'm not sure whether to stick to just filming one run (such as these longer 'adventure' runs) or maybe film different sequences and then add them altogether in one video as a weekly update or summary of my training.

They will be hopefully end up on Youtube at some point, but they will also be posted here first via @threespeak, cos Hive options are better than mainstream options! And if I do post on Youtube, then I'll make sure there are links back to @threespeak and Hive

I just need to work out how to sign into my account on 3Speak again, as it doesn't appear to support Keychain or HiveSigner...

Those first few videos will be of varying quality, as I need to practice. But the only way to get better at something is just to do it

And look, here it is, now its time to go and play :-)


If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Living in the UK, I am an intermittent Runner, but always striving for more consistency. When I'm not training I can be found photographing insects or listening to really loud angry music (which is the best type of music obviously!)


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