The importance to follow the rules during the covid19.


Here we are living a dark moment, I think it's a dark moment all over the world and not only in Italy but it's really important still follow the rules. I know everyone is sick and tired of the pandemia but we all want that it will end soon as possible.

For that we must obey the rules, Italians are not a population used to follow the rules, it's a popular opinion but it's true not 9nly a prejudice.

We have a motto that say "Find the rule find the way to escape it"

But I think this time we really need to follow the rules.

Here many people think that masks are useless and refuse to wear it, actually if you refuse to wear it in public you risk to pay 400 euros to the police.

Many don't like hand gel or similar and that's not good.

We must wear the mask for protecting each others.

And w must clean our hands often for the same reason.

No one like to be in this situation. But we have no choice if we want come back to a normal status we most follow these little rules.

Also evitare to move all around without a good reason it's helpful.

And you? What you think about that?

It's important to follow the rules?

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