My Quarantine Goals and Challenges - Making the most out of the next two months

Full Quarantine in Mexico hasn't arrived. Most people are taking it too lightly, not only because our governmnet hasn't taken any serious actions but also because the Mexican mentality is "I'm gonna die eventually, life goes on".

It also has a lot to do with having 90% of your population living on a personal economy of "If I don't work today, I don't eat tomorrow", so life indeed goes on and most people have to continue living as they were doing so before Corona times.

I'm lucky, one of the few lucky ones that can actually afford secluding himself, work from home and makes ends meet. My dad also works online, so all the family has been quarantined in our house with our 4 dogs since 15 days ago.

You might be familiar with my plans before the Corona Flu strike happened, but if you aren't I'll give you a quick recap: I was in Berlin studying German and striving to make a life there, renting a room and looking for job/investment opportunites. I had to leave Germany, come back home and regroup due to the exponential virus growth in Europe; I couldn't do anything that I wanted to do in Berlin and at the same time I was spending a lot more money than what I'm spending here.

Being Quarantined represents a big opportunity for me. To improve myself, to be a better version of myself, to develop where I know I need to and to re-think my life path.

I'm not going to mention my plans for after the Quarantine, that's for another post where I plan to join @theycallmedan's initiative called #When Corona ends but what I can do, is tell you how I am spending my quarantine and what are my goals and challenges during these isolated yet hard times.

The goals listed here are for the next two months and are achievable, I know this for a fact and I'm not trying to overachieve, yet they are ambitious challenges and if I don't put myself into it and give it my 100% - and am disciplined in the process - I will fail:

Get to B1.2 level in the German language.

I am currently on A2. This means I understand German, I am able to communicate at a very basic level and I can move around in a German speaking town without issue, but I am not able to write it, I can't engage in meaningful conversations and I can definitely not do business in the language.
I am going to spend - am spending already - 4 hours a day studying German. I am going to use Duolingo, Babbel and Memrise to learn it on a dydactic way. At the same time, I'm going to listen to my Spotify vocabulary and tip list. Another tool I'm using is Lingolia, to get better at Grammar - I am also a very visual person, so reading and seeing the grammar written helps me more than just listening to it.

I am going to learn how to code. Specifically, Python

On my long term goals, there is a lot of Tech and coding involved, and based on my Hive friends' opinions, Python is probably my best best, both because of the simplicity of the language and at the same time, usefulness.
I have on my daily calendar two hours to dedicate to learning Python. The goal is to, at the end of the two months, be fully functional at understanding it, being able to think in code and grasp the potential of the language - the full coding world. I'm not looking to develop, not after only two months of getting into the language, I know it wouldn't be feasible, but at least I can aim to be able to speak the same language of a Python developer and jump in conversations and arguments understanding all the implications.

I got enrolled in a Harvard Finance course

You know all those Facebook ads that are going around online telling people that there are more than 500 Ivy league free courses available for anyone to enroll and learn about tens of different topics, using the tools these unversities have? Well, I had seen those posts and ads several times but never gave them more attention or cared about them, until a couple of days ago when I clicked one of them and, you guessed correctly, they are not just clickbait, they are real and there's a lot to learn from them.
So, easy piecey, I enrolled to one and I'm dedicating one hour a day to it.

Excercise, a daily routine

I am a person who excercise on a daily basis yet, I still feel like I should include it on this list because whether we like it or not, our work out routines changed. We can't go to the park as before, the gyms and sporting facilities are closed and the fitness lessons are a soo February 2020, so we have to change our excercise habits.
I'm dedicating to my fitness and body one hour a day, mainly doing reps with my own body.

Getting back to reading

When I was younger I used to read a lot. By a lot I mean I was reading a book per week, at least. Once I got out of college this habit went rogue and I stopped reading, completely.
I am giving myself one hour a day to read whatever I want as long as it is not work/responsibilty related. This means I can read novels and non-finance/tech related books.
Hopefully I'll get this habit back and even after the Quarantine is over, I'll still be reading on a daily basis.


I'm not smoking (for at least these two months, I can't promise I won't smoke after the seclusion is over).
I'm not drinking alcohol except from Saturday and Sunday (you'd think it's easy, but not cracking a cold one open during these times on a monday morning is hard as hell).
I'm going to try and get cellphone detached. When I began - and since then - on Steem, I developed a cellphone dependency to the point where I'm constantly checking my discord/slack notifications and I even take my phone to the bathroom. Well, no more, I'm going to stop carrying my cellphone everywhere and I'm only going to check my notifications at specific points of the day (with alarm).

What do you think? Do you reckon I'm being too ambitious? Do you think I'll achieve it? Wanna wish me luck?

I will be posting weekly updates about this, both to hold myself accountable and also to share with you my progress on Hive :D

Have you joined this initiative yet? If not, what are you waiting for?

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