Creatures 22, 23 and 24 - A Chick, An Egg & A Royal Witch


Very Eastery things going on here.

Drawn by a human (at least I think I am) and different parts randomly combined by a code.
Licensed: CC BY 4.0

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At first I just thought that it would be fun to add few eggs to the creature site. Just few decorated eggs to spice up the creatures that already are there. Because of the upcoming Easter.

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But then I thought that wouldn't it be a great idea to create a whole new creature, an egg. And of course randomly combine smaller eggs beside those bigger eggs.

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So there I was, making eggs, eggs and more eggs.

But that got a little boring although I still think that I should create more different kind of eggs. There's just not enough eggs in the world! So let's just say that even though creating just one more egg and then one more and then one more was incredibly fascinating, it was also boring and the gateway hypothesis proved it's existence and of I went from light egg drawing to heavier chick work.

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A new creature!

After a while that got boring too. So I started to create yet another creature, something that had brewed in my brain during drawing the chick. Even heavier things, witches!

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A witch that has a withes hat and a witches broo... electrical & magical vacuum cleaner/oboe/rear end heater that can probably/hopefully fly. I don't know what that is, I just kept drawing because it looked fun and weird. It's a bending modern flying thingy. Or a huge club.

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But how do you know if a witch is a witch if it doesn't have a hat? A flying broom? Neither of those?

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What if it's just some royal dude with a crown or worse, a nobody impersonating to be royal impersonating to be a witch? I mean, trust no-one! Especially if they say you can trust them.

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You can't fool us with that fake mustache!

Witches and eggs are available in the creature site until the end of Easter (how long that is, read below) and after that the witch will be in disguise impersonating a royal person or just a cleaner with a strange looking vacuum cleaner.

My plan is to continue to the next creature which is... (drum-roll) A RABBIT! And if I continue with this same pace, the rabbit will be in the site before the Easter ends.

When does it end then?
As calculating when the Easter is every year is time consuming and implementing it to the code that either chooses certain images to combine or not, like with the Christmas elf caps on December but only on December, is harder than with all the other dates that are fixed and Easter isn't, I relied on the one decided fact of Easter that it's every year between March 22nd and April 25th. So that's how long Easter in creature site lasts. Every year.

It would have been such a hassle to change the dates once a year to fit that years Easter. Now I don't have to, as it lasts over a month.

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Besides, Christian Easter is such a new thing. I prefer older celebrations as I consider myself to be a pagan and celebrating the spring, fertility and the rebirth of nature for one month (as I've now decided it to be this long) is far more to my liking. I just wish there would be one month long paid leave from work too. But I guess I just have to settle for the Easter holidays. I mean, I am an opportunist when it comes to religious holidays. Pagans can do that. Trust in pagan gods (don't ask me which ones, I have no idea, perhaps all of them) but take any religious holiday and own it if you get a day off work and especially if you still get paid. I think that even might be as a rule in one of our holy pagan books. I'm sorry, Holy Pagan Books! "Thou shall not turn down a day off when other religions provide!"

Oh you're interested in our Holy Pagan Books? Awesome! You can get one from your local Holy Pagan Books dealer and here's how you find one: go out, turn left, walk to the nearest crossing, turn left seven times, walk 10 steps forward on your hands, clap twice, turn left and run 10 minutes, whistle so that a pigeon comes to you and shout: PAGAN three times. There you have it! The store, Make sure you have some blood with you if you don't want to give your own blood, a spoon, seeds from a seedless tree and matches. Also consider giving up an organ. Any organ will do, even the one you can play if you've managed to drag it all the way to the Holy Pagan Books store.

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Back to my illustrations and the idea of Easter.

I'm pretty sure rebirth and coming back to life after winter aka death in the spring and celebrating it is far more older idea than just 2000 years old. Newer religions, thoughts and ideas just tend to take old ideas and make them theirs. And also the old symbols are mixed with the new ideas as new religions are stuffed in to the minds of ordinary people, pagans.

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Fun fact:

The Finnish word pääsiäinen is a new word invented by Mikael Agricola (1510-1557) and means "getting over" (päästä = get over) from fasting, i.e. the end of the forty-day fast before Easter. In many languages, the word Easter is probably derived from the Hebrew spring festival name pesah: for example in Latin pascha, in Russian pasha, in Greek paskha and in Swedish påsk.

Text translated form Finnish wiki page:

If Mikael Agricola would have followed the same logic, Easter in Finnish could have been named paska, which actually already has a meaning. Paska = shit. So it's a good thing Mikael invented a new word, pääsiäinen.

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At some point in between making egg number 18 and 19, or was it 44 and 45... or then again it might have been in the middle of me talking to egg number 792 and hyperventilating, I decided to modify my creature number 15 because I wasn't happy with it. Every time I saw it in the creature site I though that it looked crappy and was just bad and lazy drawing. So I did some parts of it again.

I am happier with it but now it looks creepy. Soooooo creepy. It's obviously a serial killer mask.

CC BY 4.0 - Insaneworks

Sidetrack: Numbers
20, 19
Sidetrack: All Eyes
18, 17, 16, 15 & 14, 13 & 12
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