Hello. Hello? Hello!

Tittles are hard.

I've been thinking about posting something here every day since my last post and every day it's getting harder and harder to decide what to post and get to work and write it. Procrastination is a true skill.

Not that I have problem knowing what to post but I have a problem having too many ideas. And as I'm thinking I should pick another topic than what I have written about lately (old cameras) but then again how to choose, is it time for my artsy fartsy stuff, finished or unfinished work or perhaps both but then again I have not rambled lately (ain't my every post a little bit of a ramble) and have I totally forgotten something that I've promised someone to do and of course the current world situation is worth mentioning too. So where to start? Where to end? Those are. Always the two vital questions.

Oh but should I do all of the above and also something extra?

Sounds like an insane type of a plan so why not.

Art made by someone else than me in Tampere (Finland) downtown, Tammerkoski (Tammer rapid) railing.

That woody type of a creature could be me. On most days. A little bit of a square spine, suspicious mind, leave me alone attitude, too long legs, looking like I've stayed awake for the last 10 years, naked and bald. Well, not actually bald but let's call it mentally bald. You can understand it any way you want.


Putin is still an A-hole, a murderer, a butcher and an immature child with too many "I wants therefore I must have" thoughts in his ugly head, no surprise there, so I decided to spare that maggot few moments of my precious time and play with text based AI art. Some of these turned out to be quite interesting beginnings and if I had more time in my hands I definitely would have more time in my hands. Right?

Art made by AI starts from here and it's CC0 so go ahead and remix it if you want.


I think there was the word clown in the prompt, among few other key words. Quite obvious I guess. There's nothing fancy in ruling people with fear and oh fuckity fuck what a pompous ass and sickening violence lover he truly is. Same goes with all his all heil Putin followers.

Do you think I went too far? I think I've just started and have not said enough. Art, no matter who did it, has no worth if it doesn't say anything. A meaning. A purpose.


Must be grand to be responsible of the slaughter of so many civilians, soldiers and the murder of his own generals and people who have opposed him.

I'm not pulling out the tiny d*ck joke here but let's face it, people who do not know better and feel they lack something always try to compensate that one thing with something else and not realize that it's not what they think others think about them but accepting who you are and working with that. Being a bigger person or a great human being has nothing to do with physical size.

Or how big or many ducks you have. One is I think enough but if you ask the duck I'm sure the duck won't mind company.

Also it's not the size it's what you do with it but then again some folks just have no idea and we're going to the wrong rails here so let's just leave the ducks alone, they have nothing to do with this thing and ducks should not be cared by people who have no idea what to do with them.

Besides, ducks are adorable, megalomaniac dicktators are not.


It truly is horrifying how similar Putins rhetoric is compared to so many other dictators who just want more land, more people to rule, more money and more power. I am not sure if Putin really sees himself as a savior of his people because he has killed and imprisoned so many Russian too. I think he just makes things look like the "conflict" is justified and he's just using anything that work for his mindless followers because he want's to see the Russia "in it's past glory".

War in it's self is a horrible thing but all those war crimes that Russia consistently adds to the soup of bloody horror is just sickening. War crimes seems to be their method of making war.


Just saying that although in a war no-one wins, democracy will eventually win. Good will eventually overcome. War towards a sovereign state is a crime. And war crimes will be settled in the international court of justice in Haag.


Hard to move on from this topic.

Should I have left it last?

No, I think not because it's good to show people right away what I think, so people who do not like to read about this stuff move on instantly.

If you're still reading, FYI, compared to what I just said, everything from this point on is going to pretty lame.



Playing with AI is quite fun, but I have to admit, it's not my thing. It's all the possibilities that I have a hard time to choose from or sometimes it's the crappiness that is the only thing that occurs even though I try and twist and turn and pull my hair and swear and... oh crap. But that's with all my art. No matter the means. Only thing different is that my art's not occasionally crappy, it's most of the time crappy. Oh well, AI still isn't my thing although I've tried and I do truly admire great art that has been made with AI.


Just adding here that people should definitely be truthful about their methods.


Art made by AI ends here and it's CC0 so go ahead and remix it if you want.

#Artsquares as ta divider.

Art made by me starts here.

Moving on to art made by me and parts combined by a code, not AI though. https://www.insaneworks.fi/olio


28.2. was Kalevala Day, known also as Finnish Culture Day. For one day only, always on 28th of February, you can get your own Kalevala dude, perhaps even Väinämöinen himself from the Olio website. It may be that some day there will be more days, not just the Kalevala Day when you can catch him, but which day will it be, remains to be seen. Or if there will be one, that also is still a big question. The creatures in olio (Finnish word for creature) site are licensed CC BY.

There are similar dudes there but Väinämöinen can be recognized of the Finnish flags blue cross beanie and the lapti or bast shoe which are shoes made of strips of birchbark. Kantele did not make it to this years Kalevala day.

How stupid of me to tell you all this now that this years 28.2. is already gone. But there's always next year when I can do the same thing, tell you that Väinämöinen was in the creature site, couple days after he has been there.

You have to have some goals in life.

That must be mine.

Some day I will continue my Artsquares series.

Finished and ready for a post of their own.

Did I say that art has to have a message. At least good art. Or does it?

Thing is, art is never what the artist may have wanted it to be because art is not a fact that just is. Art is not a one way street. It's always interpreted by the viewer or the listener, depending on what kind of art we're talking about so let's just settle on an all determining word: experiencer. There's the artist, the art itself and the one experiencing it and no matter how the artist has intended the art to be understood, the experiencer always interprets it from their own point of view and understands it the way their mind wants to understand it. And that's okay.

The viewer or the experiencer may like the art or not, that's not important. But what is significant is that has the art made some kind of an impact? Did the experiencer feel something when they experienced the art? Did the art make them think, make them ask questions? It doesn't have to be political or something that makes a statement of the status quo. It can also have an impact that varies depending on who is experiencing it or what is their mood when they experience the art.

If the art has no impact on the experiencer at all then is it just a thing, an ordinary bowl, some paint on the canvas, meaningless chords with random words as lyrics or a dancer moving without a cause?

My opinion is that one of arts primary definitions is the actual effect it has on the people experiencing it. Then again it's really hard to look at an image, listen to a song or read a text and feel or think nothing about it. And if I feel nothing, someone else may have quite opposite feelings. And the artist also is the experiencer because art never is just the ready made product. It's also the process. So in that way many things are art.


Not finished, not ready for their own post.

It's the process, the process. Not how long it takes or what's the end result but the process.
And perhaps also a little bit the end result too.

I've been buying old cameras. And photographing. But darn it isn't easy to start posting about my purchases and the end results because I'm the great procrastinator. I think there's a song about that. The lyrics go something like:

"Oh yes, I'm the great procrastinator
Procrastinating and thinking of doing stuff
My need is such I procrastinate too much
I'm lonely but no one can tell
Procrastinating my road to hell"

I think The Platters sang it. And Freddie Mercury also.

Anyway I've perhaps procrastinated enough so it's time to show some sort of sneak peek of my purchases. I think I haven't showed you these yet.


I haven't tried this yet with a film but it seems to work. All except the timer. Such a pretty looking little gadget though.


A standard box camera as far as I can tell. I had to buy this one because it wasn't that expensive and it's in great condition.


Apparently there's no instant film for this one available anymore. New at least, old perhaps but you never know if old film is any good. My goal is to try to take pictures with this but I guess my chances are pretty near zero, even though if I put my crazy inventor thinking cap on.


Works, or seems to work, but of course I don't have a lens for this. My intention is to buy the lenses for the cameras I don't have a lens for also from second hand shops and flea markets, so my chances of getting the correct, working lens that is also cheap are pretty slim. But fortunately this is Nikon, not some old other camera with weird thread and lens size.

And speaking of...


Seems to work but it's really dirty. The focus ring is a bit sluggish because of all the dirt and it's really easy to start to unscrew the lens when you try to focus. But dirt is a better option than broken because my method in fixing things is usually one problem sort of perhaps fixed and two new problems occurring.

Can't wait to try this out and see the results.

The FED 3 is a Ukrainian rangefinder camera inspired by classic Leicas.


Slava Ukraini!

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