Sketchbook 018 - Bugman(?) - Shading Practice and Random Thoughts!

Hi, hello, welcome and happy Tuesday!

Today's post was supposed to be a tutorial on how I draw hair in ink so that it looks shiny and pretty, but, once again, I didn't give myself nearly enough time to finish the actual drawing for that project. I tend to do that a lot.

My current list of projects, not including the drawings I am currently working on

Luckily I am still way too far behind on posting the sketches I have managed to complete. But...before we get to that (just skip ahead if you, dear reader, would prefer all drawing and no random thoughts!)...

I don't know if it was obvious, but for the past few weeks, I have been feeling incredibly low, mostly because I tend to set insanely impossible goals for myself, then get all snotty and dramatic about not achieving them in under a week. Stupid really.

I truly believe that we are all responsible for our own happiness, no one owes anyone anything, and it isn't up to anyone else to come and save you from your own bs. That being said...sometimes a little random act of kindness can go a hell of a long way. Sometimes, something that might seem small and insignificant to you will mean the world to someone. It did to me. (Thanks, Unicorn!)
What I am trying to get at, in my own clumsy way, is that sometimes, when you do a little thing, just intended to make someone happy, just because, it could be that extra little bit they need to get themself back up again. You never know, so let's all be kind towards each other. Okay...ranting done!

This was one of those free flow, no planning drawings...until someone walked by and commented that it looked like batman, but a bug...Bugman! So I went with it.

The shading for this was done in pencil and Bic pen, I think all the practice is paying off, because it isn't as bad as usual anymore.

Well, that's it for today, a little bit random and all over the place, but hopefully entertaining enough.

Till next time!

Credit - All images used in this post are my own.
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