Scaling Walls

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to celebrate finally getting to go rock climbing again!


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Scaling Walls

Indoor rock climbing has been something that I've really enjoyed for a number of years, although the time between my engaging in it has varied quite a bit. Since my son is old enough now to go though, we've been partaking in it quite a bit more than we did in the past!

Rock climbing for me is an incredible amount of fun, exercise and building of both stamina and mental toughness. There is not a lot of things like being able to climb a gigantic fucking wall filled with different little hand holds and grips all over the place, all the while mentally and physically challenging you, sometimes to your limit. That's a hell of a lot of fun! Particularly because I can't do some of the more extreme things that I used to do when I was younger like skateboarding. Rock climbing fits the bill that's for sure!


These pictures here are from one of my previous times going earlier this year, I didn't have my phone with me for this trip here but I will try and get some more updated snaps of the various things that I'm climbing.

I haven't been climbing since about May I think it was, because with the warmer weather we spent more time outdoors than we did indoors so naturally it meant that we were going to be spending our weekends outside instead of inside. It is absolutely a lot of fun to be indoors at these places but at the same time, when you can be outside, be outside!

The rock gym has a pretty cool and unique culture to it as well. There are people from all walks of life that go to the gyms. Young kids, teenagers, people in their 20's and older as well as a number of people in their 40's, 50's and I even saw a couple in their 70's at the gym! The exercise and workout, physical and mental you get from this is fitting for all ages!


We have been having some cooler weather around here, and with that is coming the late autumn. I want to partake in a lot of hiking but on the days where it's rainy and just overall shitty outside, I would rather be inside exercising than outside in the rain so I took my son for my first rock climbing adventure in a couple months.

Damn am I sore! Lol. That's great though, because I was able to put my body through some pretty good physically demanding tasks. I love the feeling of climbing up the walls, seeing where my next hand hold is, where my next foot hold, toe tuck and other place is while you are also trying not to lose your grip and fall. Granted I am attached to the rope machines so that I don't have a risk of getting seriously injured but still. There is exhilaration when you finally make it to the top! Some of the routes that they are setting are pretty damn challenging let me tell you! I have been good enough to scale some of the advanced beginner ones and have done one or two moderate to advanced routes and they are certainly not an easy feat.


What I enjoy the most about it though is that it teaches my son a lot of things about our physical bodies, mental toughness and grit as well as problem solving. He is turning out to be quite the little rock climber himself! He does really well at what is called "bouldering" or free climbing smaller heights but no ropes. He scales up some of the courses pretty feverishly and conquers them. He is always trying to compete with the older kids and the adults when he is climbing and the people around find it hilarious and adorable. He is definitely getting not only physical exercise but mental and community building too! I know that I am for sure looking forward to spending more time at the gym over the late autumn and winter, until it gets to be warmer out again. I don't want to count the days away in that regard so we will take it one fun trip at a time!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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