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The Ink Well Fiction Prompt | Take 5: Domino effect

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Queen Hana has been ruling the kingdom of Bulvoria for almost two decades after her husband, the great King Washi passed away. The kingdom fell under the rule of a bunch of rapacious. At least what she told the people of the kingdom. Then with the help of the people, she regained the rightful iron throne.

There is a saying, 'Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely.' She became an absolutely corrupt being. She promised many things before getting the people's help to overthrow the rulers who looted the throne. People also helped her because King Washi was a wonderful king, perhaps the greatest the Bulvoria has offered. To maintain his legacy, they stood beside Queen Hana to remove the greedy ones.

'Thank you my people! I do not want to sit on the throne for power. If you think I should not and am not suitable for the crown anymore, I will be happy to move away. I only wanted to save you from your sufferings.' This is what she said on the day she sat on the throne.

The problem is she was from another kingdom. After she became the Queen, she began to incorporate people from her kingdom. 'They are more capable of solving the problems we are facing. They have only come to help me as I am from that kingdom. With their help our nation will bloom more than ever!'

Several years passed, and the kingdom saw mega projects happening, which were supposed to enrich people's lives. On one side, there were many palaces, structured roads, and bridges, which showed the prosperity of the country. On the other side, which was not seen, was the suffering of the people, as the price of everything rose high. Also, they had to pay five times more taxes to be a part of the development.

Tobi was the first one to raise his voice against her. At her five-year celebration party, he asked, 'Don't you think it is absurd that people are not able to meet the nutrition, their income not rising, but they have a huge burden of taxes imposed on their heads?'

'What do you mean? Look around you they are happy, the kingdom is prospering. How the kingdom is developing is a subject of envy to other kingdoms. This has been possible because of the help of my father's kingdom and help of you people,' anger flashed in her eyes while she told this.

She further added, 'It will be better if you do not poke your nose in this peaceful kingdom.'

After several days, Tobi was not to be found anywhere. The Queen announced, that Tobi became an enemy of the kingdom, and should be imprisoned if seen at sight as he was seen with a rebellious group of another kingdom.

A decade passed by. People became fearful of the monstrous Queen. They became blind, deaf, and mute as there was no enemy of those. Whoever spoke about the rights of the people, the unjust assistance of another kingdom was either imprisoned, or forced to leave the country, or they just vanished in thin air!

There were new laws declared almost every day to suppress the people even more. The people were not seeing any ray of hope. They were afraid. If they can keep their lives, they remain happy. The kingdom was seen as picture-perfect from the outside. There was no hint of any rebellious activities as there were tons of Queen's spy on everywhere.

But the youth were getting unrest. They were not like their previous generations.

'If you keep enduring the wrong doings, you cannot break the shackle. You might want to live like this, but we won't.' This was the thought of them. They were united through this.

Whereas, older people were afraid of dreaming of freedom, that they might get spotted by the spy!

Five days before the celebration of the Queen's two decades. When she was in her chamber, the chief minister came.

The chief minister said, 'Your highness, the kids are going to be a trouble. You need to handle them carefully, making any mistake may cost your crown.'

But the Queen was blind. People were not talking anything about her. She replied, 'I have heard about that. But the people love me. They will prevent their children from doing anything stupid.'

In a public gathering, she said, 'Those who are not from this kingdom, are the ones who cannot see all the goods in this country. If anyone tries to hamper the peace of the kingdom will be called traitors and those shall be hung in open stage.'

Who would have known this small speech would be the ignition of a massive fire? The youths loved their kingdom very much. They could not tolerate being framed as enemies of the kingdom.

They raised their voices. There were clashes between the Queen's men and the youths. Seeing the audacity of the children, their parents started coming out. All the people were burning inside because of the oppression they had been facing for two decades! Quickly it became a mass uprising!

Yet the Queen wanted to hold the crown and the throne. But the head of the knights, forcefully fended her off with the peoples of her kingdom to flee, otherwise there would only be more bloodshed!

After a long period of being alive in chains, it took only two days to live freely! On the other side of it, after being in power for around two decades it took two days to shirk from the kingdom.

There were many things that led to this situation. But that speech, that small speech which if told with other wordings, might not bring the downfall of her. That forced a domain effect in motion resulting in her losing everything!

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