Desire made him expire~creative fictional prompt

Sam was sitting idle and scrolling reels which were mostly of luxurious and modified cars as the more you see one sort of content,more it come before your sight. I don’t know how whether it is due to AI or not. Sam was just deploring on his state that he can’t buy or ride on them. Suddenly,his phone beeped and he received a call from an unknown number. First , i thought to reject it but then he picked it half heartedly. But what he heard was totally confounding for him. A weird voice resonated in his ear and was asking if wanted to earn 100000 USD. It was a huge amount for him and it raised his shackles. He was just an ordinary employee in forestry department who was not earning more than 200USD per month.


He sit up and asked vigilantly “wha…..whatttt??…..can you repeat what you said?

Voice in the cell phone was serious and resolute and it muttered same words again” do you want to earn 100k USD?”

Sam astonishingly replied yes , but how…..????

Then the voice beeped up again saying “you will know it by morning tomorow”.

It was 11 o clock night but sam didn’t want to sleep. He was eagerly waiting for morning. He wished of dawn in eye’s blink. He was strolling inside his room,put phone on high volume ringtone and used to look towards it repeatedly after lapses. His excitement wasn’t allowing him to sleep . His constant leg movement fatigue him and he sat on chair whose handle was broken from one side.

The phone ringed …he confoundingly opened his eyes. He didn’t realise when did he sleeep . He was waiting at night for call and now it was 8 o clock morning. Sam hurrily picked the call and said hello in loud voice.

Are you ready? The voice from phone came.

Yaa ……yes i do but how….what will I have to do?, Sam asked.

There is a work for you ….if you do that…you will be rewarded with rewards. Person from phone replied.

Why are you not telling me clearly what i will have to do exactly…..don’t prevaricate just say it to me clearly. Sam hurrily said

Ok…we have a box digged in your forest….you will have to debunk it and parcel it to the place i will tell you.

For a moment he was freezed like why he is offering such a huge amount for just delivering that parcel.

Sam aaked:” what’s in that box?.

He received an angerily reply….you need not to think about that …just do what you are asked to and get your reward.

Sam thought for a moment and then replied in affirmation.

That task was to be completed at night time. It was risky as well because any suspicion could have resulted disastrous .

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When the darkness prevailed on whole sky,he marched towards woods. He didn’t want to go by usual route as some one might have seen him so he used an alternative way. Everything was silent there except her shoes who were producing sound with each step. He was petrified as well. Sooon he reached the spot. He started digging the earth to extricate out box from it. He was sweated in a chilly night. After each stroke ,he used to look around to see if someone is there or not. He knew it is something illegal but his lust and desire for money brought him here. After digging for half an hour , he found a box. It was not a small box and would really be cumbersome to parcel it to destined place. But he had no other options as well. He picked it and moved on.

He might have covered half of distance when he heard jeep engines sound. He was terrified and thought to hide in but he couldn’t have time for it. It was police with flood lights on their jeep. Before he could have made any decision ,they reached upon him. One of them came nearer to him and asked him to hands up while others begined to open the box.

After battering the box lock , they were able to break it and open it. And to sam’s astonish the box was possessing elephant’s tusks in it. He was caught red handed of high charges against him. The police inspector rebuked him and asked one of cops to handcuff him.


But suddenly firing sounds popped in his ear. It was from the group for whom he was carrying parcel. They were there not to protect him but to take their box. Sam was benumbed . There was fire exchange from both sides. He didn’t know what is going and was in comastose. And all of sudden a fire hit his chest . He fell back upon his back. he took his last breaths thinking how his lust changed his life in 24 hours.

This is my post for #inkwell #creativefictional #prompt.
I hope you might have liked it.

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