"reunion" prompt story

It was a bright Tuesday morning. At 7:00am, the sun was already bright in the sky, sending its rays down to the earth. Eni, Kola and Salome had arrived at the school compound ready for their trip to the federal capital city where they'll represent their State in the finals of the national quiz competition.

The principal had announced the day before that there would be a farewell ceremony for the three representatives. As the students gathered that morning, the atmosphere was charged with expectations. Pastor Charles had been invited to lead the prayer for a successful outing. As he led, the resounding response of Amen, of the whole school community appeared to vibrate in the sky.

When their car came, the pastor asked the congregation to stretch out their hands towards the car and and pray for a safe journey. At 9:20am, the car took off with the three students, a teacher and their driver. Other students waved at them with shouts of, "Good luck to you. Good luck to you. Safe journey," renting the air.

Less than four hours after their departure, news filtered in that the representatives had been kidnapped on the highway. The school was immediately soaked in confusion and apprehension. All the classes stopped instantly as fear gripped everyone.

The police mobilized and went after the kidnappers. After three days, there was no headway in tracing the kidnapped victims. The news was everywhere. It was a national calamity.

Ten days later, the kidnappers made contact with a government official, demanding 50 million dollars. Meanwhile, the government had made a policy of not paying ransom to kidnappers. This was to discourage those who began to see kidnapping as a business. So, the matter dragged into weeks without any solution at sight.

Meanwhile, the government arranged a special rescue squad made up of the police and military under a code name, "Commando-20". It was led by Captain Uko. Commando-20 was able to locate the hideout of the kidnappers, and tactically stormed it, taking the kidnappers by surprise.

It was a successful operation where the four victims were rescued, except that Captain Uko received a last minute gun shot on the left thigh which prevented him from escaping with the rest. He was actually ensuring that everyone had been rescued and safe, when he received that gun shot from one of the kidnappers. The squad was unable to carry him along when they came under a barrage of gunfire.

Back home, the representatives received a rousing welcome. The reception was a State event where the governor and his entourage were on ground in the school premises. He announced a comprehensive scholarship for the three students and a mouthwatering financial reward to both the driver and teacher.

Meanwhile, the surviving kidnappers took Captain Uko with them to a forest across the boarder, to a former French colony. They were holding Uko, expecting that the government will pay any amount as ransom for the captain.

As they were hiding from place to place, luck ran out of them, and they were captured by the gendarmes. They were all taken into custody with Captain Uko whose explanations and plea that he was a victim and an army officer fell on deaf ears. As far as the authorities were concerned, only criminals would be moving around in the bush with guns. Even though the captain had no weapon, he was seen as a bona fide member of the criminal gang.

It took almost five years before the innocence of Captain Uko was unraveled. The High Commissioner from the embassy came down to the prison to take him. Uko who had been languished in the prison for such a longtime was a sorry sight. He looked very tattered and unkempt. You have to know him very well to recognise him. He was simply a shadow of himself. He was flown back home the next day.

As soon as the plane that brought him back landed at the airport, he was driven to the presidential villa where he received a national honour. On the spot, the president promoted him to a Brigadier General. The news of his return expectedly went viral in the media.

Later, he was taken to his hometown to be with his family for a year. The reception he received there was memorable. Himself, his wife and their son of three years were on the high table with the traditional ruler, his council members and chiefs. Different music and dance groups came out in their numbers to entertain the crowd, friends and well wishers that gathered.

Part of the speech made by the traditional ruler read: "This our son was lost but, he is back with us. He went to the spirit world and came back. In fact, he was dead but, he's alive today."

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