
Tessa was in disbelief as she watched her husband, Steven talk in his sleep. It wasn't the fact that he was talking in his sleep that shocked her, it was the fact that he kept on calling another woman's name.

"Daniella, Daniella, I don't know what life would be like without you. You are everything I've ever wanted"

Tessa couldn't believe that her husband was saying these things about another woman, even though he said them in his sleep. She wondered what was going on in his sleep. She knew Daniella was the name of his co-worker, who was also her good friend.

"Is he referring to the Daniella I know? Or is there another Daniella I should be worried about?" She wondered to herself.
She was uncomfortable with the possibility that Steven could be cheating on her.

Photo by Cottonbro Studio on Pexels

She has been noticing strange behavior from Steven lately, but she didn't read meaning into it.

The next morning, Tessa decided not to say anything about what happened the previous night. She didn't want to raise it up. But she was eager to find out what was going on.

"Good morning love, hope you enjoyed your sleep?" Tessa asked

"Yes I did. What about you?" Steven said

"My sleep was...."

Tessa was interrupted by Steven's phone ringing. She saw that it was Daniella calling

"Sorry, I have to pick this call" he said as he stepped outside.

Tessa became even more suspicious.

"Why does he have to step outside to answer a call from Daniella?" she wondered.

Tessa noticed that their conversations became frequent. They would text or have calls, late into the night. Sometimes their calls would go beyond midnight. Steven would always say it was work related, but Tessa wasn't satisfied about it. Tessa tried to act mature about the whole situation. She didn't confront her husband or Daniella. She didn't want to lose trust in her husband, but her trust was running thin.

The next day, Tessa was feeling bored, so she decided to call her husband.

*"Hey, would you like to have lunch with me at the restaurant during your free time this afternoon?" she asked

"I would love to, but I'm actually very busy and I will still be busy by then, so it won't be possible. We can have it tomorrow though" Steven replied.

"Nevermind. It's fine" Tessa said, as she ended call, disappointed.

She decided to take a drive, just to clear her head and fight the boredom. As she drove, she saw her husband's car parked in front of a supermarket. She was sure that it was her husband's car because the sticker at the back of the car. She parked her car and stepped into the supermarket, only to see her husband shopping with Daniella. They were up close and behaved like they were a couple.

Tessa was heartbroken. She didn't say a word. She left the supermarket and went home. What made things worse is that it was their wedding anniversary and Steven didn't seem to care.

Two hours later, she got a text from Steven asking her to meet him at their favourite restaurant for dinner.

"Maybe he hasn't forgotten about our anniversary afterall" she said.

Tessa reluctantly got dress and made her way to the restaurant. On entering the restaurant, she observed that the lights were dim. There were candles and flowers petals scattered on the floor. The atmosphere was romantic. Then there was Steven, standing, looking dashing, and holding a flower in his hand.

"Happy anniversary my love", he said as he handed the flower to Tessa.

"You're the love of my life. You're my peace, you're my home" he further said.

Tessa melted on hearing those words. All of a sudden, her anger with him had faded into thin air.

Invited friends immediately emerged from where they hid, to Tessa's surprise.

They were all there to celebrate with the couple. Daniella was also present. She approached Tessa and Steven to explain things to Tessa

"Tessa, I know you've been thinking I'm having an affair with your husband, that's not the case. We've been working together to make this event a success, and we wanted to keep it a secret from you. We felt it would add to the fun" Daniella said.

"Oh, that makes a lot of sense now" Tessa said

"So now, you don't have to suspect me" Steven said

"I'm sorry I ever doubted you love" Tessa replied.

The night went perfectly. Tessa felt on top of the world. She appreciated the love shown by everyone towards her and her husband. She even appreciated her husband more for the effort he put into celebrating their anniversary.

Two days later, Tessa was to travel to spend a week with her parents. She missed them and wanted to see how they were faring. That fateful day, she had already left the house for the airport when her husband called her.

"Hello dear, are you already on your way?" Steven asked

"Yes, I left the house a while ago" Tessa replied

"Okay, have a safe trip. Ensure to have a lot of fun over there okay?" Steve said

"Yes I will" Tessa in replied.

As she dropped the call, it dawned on her that she forgot her bag containing important documents she needed.

She was in a taxi, so she pleaded with the driver to turn back, promising to increase the pay.

On getting home, she heard voices coming from the bedroom. Out of curiosity, she went towards the bedroom. As she got closer to the door, she heard Daniella and Steven conversing.

"I can't believe your wife bought all of that. She doesn't suspect you anymore" Daniella said

"Yes, she doesn't suspect. Our plan worked perfectly." Steven said as they Kissed.

Immediately, Tessa barged in. She caught them in bed. Tessa was devasted.

"So you two have been having an affair all along, making me look like a fool" Tessa said, obviously angry

"Baby, it's not like that, I can explain" Steven said, still shocked about his wife's sudden entrance

"Oh save it. I don't want to hear any more lies. And as for you Daniella, I thought you were a friend, only for you to steal my husband" Tessa said.

Daniella couldn't say anything. She was ashamed, as they had been caught.

"You know what, this marriage is over. You make me sick Steven. You will hear from my lawyers soon" Tessa said, throwing her wedding ring at him.

Tessa packed her crucial things, and left the house to stay with her parents. She was heartbroken that her marriage of two years was down the drain. However, her parents were there for her.

Steven came by severally to apologize and convince his wife to come back, but to no avail. The marriage was eventually annulled, while Tessa and Daniella became the worst enemies.

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