Blissful Sleep.

John-Mark Smith

Sweaty bodies were on the dance floor moving to the beat and rhythm of the music. Everyone was having fun and they could probably say this was the best moment of their lives. There was alcohol, a pool, great music and food to snack on, what more was needed?.

I was their host, James Hardwood, and I hosted the best parties ever. I had just gotten a new house and decided to celebrate by having a little house warming party but then again, no party of mine was ever little and so, the party went wild with so many people present as well.

"Nice party you've got here James"

I got different compliments from different people who were enjoying the party. I leaned near the kitchen wall with the popular red cup in my hand. I stayed there observing all that was going on and even the decoration on the kitchen wall as I haven't had the time to truly observe them. Different latin drawings were inscribed on the wall and just when I was about to go back inside the living room, I caught a glimpse of a shining blue rope in the swimming pool through the kitchen window.

It was so fascinating that I had to rush outside. I pushed through a punch of people and even Jack, the quarterback at school who had a very broad chest and mean face.

"Watch where you're going Hardwood"

I tried navigating through him only for him to push me back and that caused a crowd to gather around us. I didn't want a fight but it seems Jack wanted it. I had no choice but to push him into the pool and that caused a couple of snicker among the crowd and I quickly rushed to the swimming pool and on arriving there, it was as if the blue shining rope vanished.

I was so intrigued that I jumped into the pool and swam deep into it and I saw the shining rope again and just when I was about to grab it, it disappeared once again. I was getting so frustrated that I quickly rushed out of the pool and on coming out, I saw the fuming face of Jack and just when I was about to apologize when I saw the shining rope again behind the pushes.

I quickly pushed Jack to the side once again and quickly rushed into the bush following the rope whenever it went. Different noises of twigs snapping beneath my feet were heard and I struggled with some stubborn grasses as well. I navigated through those bushes and finally made it to a clearing.

A cemetery was in sight and it looked so old that even the gates were falling off. I saw the rope behind the gates and I thought that since I had come this far, it wouldn't be anything for me to go into this cemetery. At least, what was the worst thing that could happen?.

I was so scared walking through the cemetery as I heard several noises and I had never been inside a cemetery before. But the mystery of that rope had really quipped my interest and I wanted to get a hold of it.

I saw the shining rope once again and I took to my heels this time trying to get a hold of it when I ran into another clearing. The air was so dark and the only thing that could be seen were eyes peering through the darkness. Yellow eyes was what they were and instead of being scared, I felt it was quite interesting and came closer to get a better view of it.

Just when I was about to see what was beyond those eyes, fog immediately took over the whole place and it was so quick that I wondered what must be happening. It was definitely not natural and I wanted to get to the root of it all.

I followed the fog because it seemed as if it was leading somewhere and I got to a little stream and that was when the whole fog vanished instantly. I saw the blue rope and it went into the little stream. I wondered what was going to happen next and so I sat by the stream hoping and waiting to see what supernatural thing was going to happen.

I waited for hours on end and just when I was about to give up and walk back home because I thought all my waiting was in vain, the stream started making bubbling noises and then the water started to sparkle with different colors.

Almost immediately, a beautiful and well endowed girl came out of the water. Her hair was shimmering like the moon with several stars gathered around it and her body was wrapped with a blanket of water. It was so fascinating to watch as the water came down her body and slowly,that blanket dropped back down into the river.

I had so many questions in my mind like who is she?, Was she the rope?, What was going on?.

Her skin looked so soft and beautiful and the moon reflected its beautiful light upon her dark skin and just as I was about to touch her, I felt a liquid on my face.

I wondered what that was and I was then brought back to cold reality by the cold water my mum poured on me to wake up. I was so angry my mum interrupted my dream but I guess I can continue with it later in the evening when I sleep back.

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