Ties that bind


The smell of cooking grind chili peppers, tomatoes, and onions in groundnut oil filled the kitchen. With a wooden spoon in one hand, Sophia stood by the stove, attending to the cooking spaghetti. A hot seasoned pepper stew mixed with spaghetti was her specialty. She had been preparing for the family dinner this evening all afternoon, chopping and cooking, doing the same tasks over again helped Sophia feel less tense and more relaxed. Mark, her brother, and Linda, his new girlfriend, were dropping by. Sophia loved perfection in everything. She was aware of the importance of first impressions.

Sophia's thoughts shifted to their childhood house, where they used to spend most Sunday evenings together at the shaky kitchen table. Despite the small space, the mood was filled with warmth and laughter, as her grandmother involved them as young children to help with cooking. Even as a young child, Sophia understood the importance of food in bringing people together. Sharing a meal may ease stress, overcoming differences, and strengthen family bonds. Grandmother used to intervene when her parents were fighting, using her hot pot of Sunday peppered spaghetti as a way of creating harmony and bringing joy to the family.

Sophia returned focused on what she was cooking at that moment. Giving it one last stir, she allowed the smell of seasonings to fill her senses. She heard Mark greeting their parents in the living room, his voice sounds happy. Linda's footsteps got nearer. The kitchen door opened to show a tall, slim woman with brown hair. "Something smells delicious" Linda smiled in a genuine manner and admiration. Sophia returned the smile, feeling the connection of worry in her stomach relax a little. "I am preparing my grandmother’s favorite food."


As more people arrived for the family dinner, the compound was filled with the lively talks and warm embraces as everyone took sips of wine and ate hot peppered spaghetti. It's already starting to feel magical, the simple act of sharing food with loved ones. Later on, while forks hit against their glass plates, Sophia saw the satisfied and content faces of her family members in the dining area. Linda, who was already engaged in lively talks and joking with Sophia's parents, draws Sophia’s attention.

Sophia was so happy and proud of herself at that very moment. Gathering around the table for eating is a beliefs tradition that has persisted through the generations. Sophia's tasty delicacies were a loving dedication to her grandmother’s cooking passion. And perhaps above all, the restoring, bonding influence of a well prepared dinner went on.

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