Mel & Simon #InkwellPrompt

Almost a hundred people are seen queued up waiting their turn to get into an old cottage house. A young girl pushes her way to the front and forces herself into the house.

"Get out and wait your turn!"

A voice came from inside the house where a man with long bushy beards held the hands of an older man.

"That is no way to welcome your childhood friend." The girl replied refusing to leave the house.

The bearded looked up and exclaimed.

"No freaking way! Give us a moment will you."

He said to the older man, who walked out of the house murmuring and giving the girl an angry look.

"Mel How is this possible, I thought you were dead or something."

Simon said pouring himself a drink and one for the lady as well.

"The almighty Simon Who can tell tomorrow, couldn't figure out if I was dead or not."

"You know how these things work, I've got to hold your hand to be able to tell anything."

"Yeah, tell that to the hundreds of people you fool with your nonsense. Man do you see the crowd out there. How much do you collect from this people."

Actually the whole 'tomorrow telling' trick started when these two were kids. They would both place bets on the possible outcome of the next day. Simon won most of the times, so they came to a conclusion that he must be gifted. They went around town telling people that they could predict tomorrow. Eventually, Mel left not knowing that Simon took the trick to a whole new level. He would charge you a couple bucks to tell you your tomorrow, he claimed that he couldn't tell further than the next day to avoid ruining the order of the universe. If his prediction didn't come to pass, he would claim that you took an action to upset and change the outcome.

"For real Mel, where have you been. We have a lot of catching up to do." Simon said as he opened the door and announced to the crowd that the session was over for today. The crowd rumbled as they dispersed slowly, meanwhile Mel sat at a corner watching in amazement.

"How do you do it?"

"Mel it's pretty easy to predict these things. I tell them what they want to hear and if it doesn't work out I give them an excuse."

This went on for a long while until things started going a bit sideways. His predictions started becoming less accurate. People whom he predicted dead the next day, went around committing all sorts of atrocities and they find themselves in a mess and a lot of debts when they end up not dying the next day as predicted. People got fed up of his tricks, it was like their eyes were finally opened. An angry mob marched out towards Simon's house.


"You need to get out of here right now, if you want to live till tomorrow." Mel said as she ran into Simon's house breathing hard.

"What is going on? My daily customers will soon be here. I can see them at a distance."

"Simon believe me those are not your regular customers. Today is not business as usual, that is an angry mob coming here to probably burn this house down with you in it."

"That is serious, who pissed them up."

"You tell me." Mel replied giving Simon a funny look.

Simon packed some of his belongings in a bag and went out through the back door.

"Aren't you coming with me?"

"And be a wanted fugitive, No thank you. I'll find you, I always do."

"Goodbye then."

Thanks to Mel giving Simon a headstart and delaying the mob when they got to his house, Simon was able to escape from the wrath of the people. He went into exile and that was the last they ever heard of THE MAN WHO COULD TELL TOMORROW

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