A Failed Fiction

The Beginning

5 o'clock

Jimmy, with a backpack started walking. He had a fight with his entire family over that stunt. The stunt is: Jimmy wants to travel all over the country. Jimmy works online. He is a content writer to be precise. He loves to write travelogs. He is a part-time story writer on a newspaper. So, it’s possible for him to work from anywhere in the world with an active internet connection.

Jimmy's been planning this since he started to write professionally. His plan is to travel all over the country (world in future) and would write about every little details he finds interesting.

He is at the bus stand, waiting for his bus to be on board. His destination is Saint Martin's island. It’s an island located in the Bay of Bengal. He has enough money with him in his pocket that would sustain him for a month. He earns more or less $250-$300 per month. So, money is not gonna be a problem for him along the way.

The wheels of bus go round and round

The bus is going like an arrow that is released from a bow which was waiting for an opportunity to go on a wild tour. The wind is so strong that he had to close the window. He took out the sunglasses from his backpack. The weather is beautiful today. The temperature is 25 degree celsius. A little chilling for him. There's a man of around 45 sitting beside him snoring at this hour and speed! His head is dropping on Jimmy's shoulder for every 3 minutes. Jimmy is smiling with indulgence. He didn’t move away the man's head from his shoulder. The man opens his eyes whenever there is a heavy bump the bus encounters and he looks at him with his sorry eyes for a brief second. Then goes on sleeping again. Some people are gifted with that skill of sleeping. Nothing in the world can disrupt their sleep. Jimmy took his earpods out and started listening to an audiobook on his phone. It's 'One Hundred years of Solitude'. He loves this book, read that twice already. The bus stopped at a giant restaurant in Cumilla.

The Restroom Break

It's a 20 minute break for the passengers to let themselves be free from the pressure of their bladders. Some people have their lunch or snack or have a smoke or to take a seep on a coffee.

Arrival at Teknaf

Finally, the bus has arrived at Teknaf. From here, he will have to find a ship to go to Saint Martin's Island. But before that he has to find somewhere to stay over for the night. He starts to walk to explore the town.

He walked for two hours. He is hungry like he can eat an elephant if he wants. He found a restaurant and ordered rice, chicken curry and vegetables. While having dinner, someone came and sit on his table. The man is tall with a very gentle face. Smiling at Jimmy. They were having their food without making a noise. The man broke the silence and introduced himself. He is a local in Teknaf. Jimmy felt suspicious at first, then he was convinced that the man is not a bad person. He had a big house at an arms length of the beach where Jimmy can spend the night with a very low cost. He agreed. The man paid the bill for both of them and told him that he is going to add it with his final bill at the time of Jimmy's departure.

They left the restaurant. On the way to his house the man put one of his arm on Jimmy's shoulder and started to talk amiably. Jimmy responded with mere 'yes' and 'no'. They took a Rickshaw and the Rickshaw puller knew the man. They were having a conversation that is completely unknown to Jimmy. It's 11 pm. There's not a soul on the street. The deafeningly loud sound of cricket can be heard from everywhere. The coconut trees are whispering on Jimmy's ear, telling him to jump off the Rickshaw and run away!

He woke up on a park bench with a headache. Backpack under his head. Nothing is lost. He is trying to remember what happened last night. But the head is blank. He went to the restaurant again and found that it was not in there. Instead there was a giant pond with crystal clear water. He swam his weariness away in the pond. It’s another day for him being alive. He will keep going no matter what comes in the way to hinder.


Guys, this is the first time I'm writing a fiction. I don't know what the trash I'm writing. Forgive me if it bothers you. I'll try to improve my writing, I promise.

*The picture I added is mine.

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