Our Treasure

It's an outrage.

Where was the security team?

So they just broke in, robbed and made their way with the girls, then left? And no one was stopped.

Where's the Vice Chancellor, when it comes to security he's nowhere to be found, only in collection of fees that he's active*.

My headache worsened as I read through the numerous comments that were written under the tag on tripper.
I couldn't understand how they'll add 'ignored', how could they believe that I ignore such.
As the Vice Chancellor, I'm meant to be in charge of the security of all the students in the school.
And yet I knew nothing of this till 8am in the morning, while reports are saying it happened by 1 to 2 in the wee hours of the morning.

Another comment came in.

The university is a joke and the security team was clearly-

"Sir." A knock interrupted my reading.
"Yes." I answered. Then thought to add "If it's another parent calling about this girls matter please inform them that I'm not aro-"
"It's me you old fart." A different voice said before my door was pushed open.
"Nice to see our great Vice Chancellor is bravely warming his seat while there are 10-15 parents outside his office demanding advice on what to do about their daughters."
I held my head in my hands and exhaled
"Daniel, I don't have time for this right now ." I told the boy tiredly.
"You have been rusticated already, please just go. I can only deal with one problem at a time."

In direct defiance of my plea, he sat down in front of me and smiled.
"Oh I'm not going anywhere, not when my territory has been breached and my treasure has been touched."
"What do you mean by territory and treasure?" I asked, shocked by his confidence.
While holding a conversation with him my hand slipped to the button under my table.
"Don't think of calling your security, those good-for-nothing fools couldn't hold me back for 5 mins." The boy said proudly.
I pressed the button regardless and true to his words no one came.

"Daniel, what do you want?" I asked him nervously, realizing that I was alone with this beast.
"Ohh don't fret, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to watch as you break." He said leaning back into the chair.
"Parents and students would soon surround this building and in the next 40 mins, I would let them know that the doors open straight to your office and there's no security. Thereafter whatever would happen would happen."
"Or..." I asked, already knowing how the snake brings up his business proposals.
He eyed me back and laughed then he sat up and leaned towards me.
"Or you listen and think really hard about my preposition."


I scream at him, "What you're suggesting is madness."
"It is pretty smart if you ask me. We have the resources, the willpower and reason to do it." He replied calmly.
"You're a cult, a model of insecurity, how can I leave you in charge of security." I asked back.
"Bahh. A secret cult, a set of violence-inclined boys, no matter how you look at it, people would still be against it."
"Just look what happened when you left the security in the hand of 'professionals'"
"Doesn't change the fact that you're still the head of a cult. You were rusticated because of that fact alone!"
"Before I was a cultist, I was a student!" Daniel shouted back.
It was the first time I saw the coolheaded calculative student lose his temper.
"Before I was a cultist I was an A student. Even when I was a cultist I was still a good student and I had friends, girl friends and friends I took as sisters."
"Female friends who I admired and who admired me."
He then looked at me with pure hatred in his eyes.
"These girls were my treasures, this land is my territory, nothing goes on here that I don't know about or don't have a say in. Then the one day that I left, I heard my treasure had been collected, defiled, abused?."
"I and my boys won't stand for it."
"But what you're asking for wouldn't help this current situation!" I shout back at him.
"A cultist can't be the head of security in a school!"

"I don't really care what you say, nor did I come to ask for your permission."
"I just came to inform you that from now on, we are the head of security around here. Such a disgraceful thing wouldn't happen again."
He stood up and put a paper on my table.
"You can use that number to reach me just once a week, don't bother trying to track it. I'm a pirate so I'm always on the move."
"My boys would be active from 12am in the night till 4am in the morning. It would help if we didn't have any interruptions from your boys."
"Ohh and please tell the parents whatever lie you want to cook for them, but say this with absolute faith cause it's the truth."
'Our treasure would never be touched with such grimy hands again.' That I guarantee."
This story was written in response to the Inkwell weekly prompt : Treasure. Yet the inspiration for the plot was gotten from an incident that happened today in a Nigerian University in my state.
Any female reader who may be a student from RSU, my heart goes out to you ❤️

You are our Treasure ✨

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