Pleasure in Chaos (A Delightful Flashback)

The Inkwell Prompt


“Boom! Boom! Ka boom!” Bombs were exploding on almost every side of the camp. As soldiers ran to get cover, lots of them were already injured. They were all asleep when the enemy came with a sudden attack. “Take cover! Take cover!” The captain kept shouting as the number of casualties drastically increased. The base seemed secure enough until there was a breach! The whole army had to seek a better refuge as they ran for their lives in unison.

Sam couldn’t believe this was the life he would end up living. "Be a soldier? Never, ever! I can’t imagine the kind of life they live," were his words before the war came. All young men, whether they liked it or not, were recruited into the army. The war came unannounced, and so did the recruitment! Sam couldn’t wait to get back to his normal life, but even if the war is over, he can never be the same again. He had lost his family to the fierce battle.

“You can eat your cake and go on to eat another person’s, right? If you want to enjoy life to the fullest, that won’t be in my husband’s house!” Sam’s mother had always pushed him to be a better man by making him uncomfortable and then showing him some love. His father was an easy-going man, and Sam had one junior sister who could push his red buttons and could sometimes be nice to him.

As a waiter, like a man constantly watching his dreams in a movie, Sam had always seen and coveted how men who visited their restaurant displayed wealth and enticed ladies with it.

Many times, he stands in front of his mirror to imagine how things would be once he became rich. "Baby, don’t place any order less than a thousand dollars; if you order less, you’ll have to donate the change." As he fantasizes about his much-desired wealth status, he sometimes gets late to work, which results in a deduction from his salary. “I need to be extra nice to guests today,” Sam knows that is the only way to cover up for those deductions.

As Sam came back from work on that fateful evening, his mother had prepared some nice delicacies. Sam was surprised at the whole party-like smell from his mother’s kitchen as he entered the house. The aroma was an irresistible call for his attention; his nose was sending impatient signals to his eyes, which were ready to see, and his tongue was waiting to taste.

Sam entered his mother’s kitchen with a broad smile on his face and was about to ask what the whole occasion and cooking were all about. Like a mind reader ready to shock and disappoint the victim, “this food is none of your business because you are not tasting it!” Sam’s mother yelled at him. “Why mom?” Was the only question Sam could reply with. Like a backup singer ready with a chorus as a response to the soloist, “did you bring anything from work?” His mother replied with a question.

“Whatever it’s going to take, I must eat from this sweet-smelling savor,” Sam thought to himself. Before he could again give an excuse or ask his mother what she wanted, “well done, Esau, ready to sell your birthright, right? Just make sure you buy something when coming tomorrow. There’s nothing special; I just decided to make my husband happy, and you can also be a beneficiary,” Sam’s mother said with her arms wide open and a slight smile on her face. Sam couldn’t really figure out her mother’s actions. It’s a mixture of love and meanness. He went and hugged her while she asked about his day at work before he went to take off his clothes.


It was as if Sam’s mother knew it was going to be their last supper. The war began the same evening after Sam’s family finished their supper. A bomb landed very close to their home and took the lives of all the members of the family except Sam’s.

It’s been about six months since the war started, and Sam has already learned some survival strategies from his new team. As he tried to move with his crew to a safe location, he smiled at himself and wondered how he could have had such a delightful flashback in such a tense situation. A few drops of tears followed as he realized he would never have that life again, but at least he was happy he could hold on to the memory forever.

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