Inkwell Prompt "Lock" || The Locksmith's Plot.


Image by Henry from Pexels, edited on Canva

Once upon a time, there lived a professional locksmith who had just relocated to a neighbouring town where he got information that he could earn enough with his skill. He set out and arrived at the town filled with just a few people and an old police station that was closed down. Stories were told to him that the station had been there for years and no one who was transferred there could stay longer because of what was happening. They couldn't continue and they tendered their resignation letter one by one until there was no one.

He asked why it was so, and the man who welcomed him said, "Things have been going on for some time now. Some policemen were involved in some illegal businesses, colliding with some high ranked people in town. There have been rumours of kidnapping but there was no one to report to".

"How come? This is a police station where they could make a report to"

"Yes, all those concerned reported but they kept investigating till this present time and they got fed up."

"This is serious, and is that why the station was locked?"

"What do you expect, friend? The honest officers couldn't take it anymore, they resigned and stopped duty. Since the station had been locked, the atrocities increased. All women do not bother sending their children to school nor would they send them on errands anywhere for the fear that they could be kidnapped."

"This is disheartening to think our officers whom we think are our friends had fled too, what is the fate of the villagers then?"

"Don't worry my friend, we are safe as long as we do not go out at night or very early in the morning. This is the time they carry out this activity. But I know, someday they will be caught."

After a month the locksmith had been in the town and had settled, he got an offer from a wealthy man who wanted a new lock. He was sent to come over to the man's house through one of the guards who came to inform him.

On getting there, he couldn't close his mouth seeing how huge and magnificent the building was.

"Is it a human being that owns such a big building? He asked the guard who brought him to the man's house."

There were different guards with different duties. Two were at the gate, two stood at the entrance of the house and there were up to ten guards at each entrance of each room in the house.

He got inside and met the man seated on a big chair with two guards behind him. Each one stood gazing at every corner of the house while the man was eating his meal.

"Young man, how are you? You can have your seat while I join you soon."

He bowed his head to greet him as he was still surprised at what he was seeing. He asked in his mind, "how come one man owns all these guards?"

He sat down while waiting for the man to join him. After a few minutes, he came and sat opposite the locksmith.

"I was told you are skilled in locks and you just moved into this area"

"Yes, sir, I moved in last month."

"Okay, let's move to business. I have a project for you where you would design a new lock for me. I will pay 1 million nairas (over $1350) for the Job."

Looked so surprised, 1 million what?

At first, the money seems huge to him. He has never seen or collected such an amount of money before but here comes a big project for an ordinary lock, according to him.

With a smile radiating on his face, he nodded positively which meant he had accepted the project and would do the best job for him.

The wealthy man explained how he wanted the lock to be and he alone would be able to open the door and no one else.

"Could you take me to the door, sir so I can know what you are talking about?"

The man stared at him weirdly and he could understand he wouldn't be allowed to go in as he had been given a drawing of how the design would be.

"Can I have your details so I can send half of the money as I need the lock within a week? It must not exceed that time."

He still couldn't believe such an amount would be entering his account. He quickly gave his details and before he left, the money was sent.

"Thank you, sir, I promise not to fail in delivering your lock within the stipulated time. I will be leaving to start work immediately."

When he stepped out of the big building, he met his new friend.

"What brought you here of all places?"

With excitement on his face, he explained what the man wanted and when he needed it.

Curious to know more, he asked the locksmith, "did he take you to the door that needed a lock?"

"Do you know what? That was what I am bothered about. For everyone who needed a lock, I am always taken to the door so I would know what to do, but this man gave me a drawing to follow through. This job needs to be done by applying wisdom so I do not fuck up, especially since he was offering to give me 1 million in nairas."

What? The friend exclaimed and immediately closed his mouth not to attract anyone around. "Do you mean he is giving you 1 million in nairas just for a lock?"

"Yes, I know it's a big money for a small lock. I think it's not a small job with what is on this drawing.”

"You need to wake up. How on earth would someone offer you such an amount without something involved? Remember I told you about the police, and how some of them work for a man? He is the one. I think he is into something dangerous with this lock. Though I don't know since we have no proof"

"How come you accepted immediately? Don't you think for a man not to take you to the door, something is fishing? You must return that money so you aren't involved in anything illegal."

At that point, he was now more confused and when he got home, he had to make his findings. In the end, he got what he was searching for. The man wanted the lock for a sinister purpose.

"But what could be in that room that he needed a strong lock to which he alone would have access? I need to get to the root of the matter."

He became afraid because he assumed he could get killed if he had to return the money and stopped the project.


Image by Hansen Jo

The next day, an idea came into his mind, he smiled and started working. He called a long-time friend to whom he pleaded for a small chip implanted in the lock. This was so small that no one could detect it. With this, he could monitor and track the man with whatever he was engaging in.

He didn't carry his new friend along as he could not trust him. He only told him he would do the job and forget about it.

After a week, the lock was completed and he went to deliver it. He began work immediately by tracking the man. He understood it was a risky one as he thought if he got caught, that would be his end. He made sure there were no traces left even at his house so that no one would be suspicious of him.

He couldn't believe what he saw. It was an underground door with young children who were crying, hoping for help and someone to save them. He was baffled seeing kids of different ages and how they have been maltreated. He felt for the parents and he thought of what to do at that instant so he could save them.

"Definitely, he is the one kidnapping these children and paying off the policemen?"

He called his friend who got the chip for him and explained everything he had seen. The friend, on the other hand, contacted some officers from a different branch, and he came along with them to the man's house with a search warrant. The man became scared. He asked for permission to use the toilet when he saw he has been exposed as he had planned of escaping, they didn´t allow him as they barricaded everywhere, and even the guards could not do anything as they were all handcuffed. They searched everywhere and brought out the children.

The villagers heard what happened and all those whose children were missing went for their kids, they were so happy. After hearing how it happened and how a man saved their kids, they thanked him, and they made sure he was well taken care of while the man was arrested with his guards.

Thanks for your time on my blog.

This is my participation in the monthly fictional contest by Inkwell


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