We met again

The was designed on Canva by me.

The sound of Tia's shoe always notifies all her staff that she's around so when they hear the sound, they all know Madam Tia is around so they will quickly adjust at their respective post.

Tia on the other hand doesn't take laziness in her small enterprise because she is a very ambitious lady who aims to become a successful entrepreneur in the country. So that is why she was strict with all her staff to make them stay focused at work.

On the other hand, Tia love to club and party with her two other friends that owns a joint business together. Let's just say Tia is the big madam among the three of them. But still, she never stopped being their friend because they have been together for a very long time.

As the alarm bell rang, Tia jumped out of her bed "Oh it's morning already arrrh I thought I could sleep longer but I have to get to work" she said to herself while stretching her legs. She went to the bathroom after to prepare for work.

From Monday to Friday, Tia's routine is always the same thing because she doesn't like playing around during the week except for weekends.

So it was on a Friday, Tia was still at the office trying to clear her table when her phone rang.

Tia looked at the phone screen, it was one of her friends Jane but she didn't pick up because she doesn't want a distraction from what she was doing.

Some minutes later someone bang her office door and Tia stood from her chair with anger written all over her face. She opened the door and it was the same Jane that was calling her.

Jane greeted her "Hi cutie" Tia answered "What are you doing here by this time of the day? Don't you have something reasonable by this time?" While she walked back to her seat.

Jane answered with a smile on her face "You know I don't have anything serious going on in my life. Please do quick and let's hang out because I am here to take you so anything you like say I don't care" Tia looked at her and shake head.

Some minutes later, they both left Tia's office and headed to the club, and on their way they called their third friend to join them. Later in the night Jane and the other friends left with a young man after having several bottles of alcohol and Tia was left alone in the bar.

She was so eager to have a man that night so as soon as a young man approach her she didn't think about it before she kissed him just to say yes let's get down.

They both left and around 6am Tia woke up and find herself beside a very cute and handsome guy. She looked at him and she couldn't recall how they both hookup last night so before the handsome guy woke up she quickly grab her things and ran away. When she got outside the room, she noticed that he brought her to his house. Then she smiles and left.

On her way home inside Uber she put a call through to Jane. Jane pick "Hello cutie how was your night?" Tia replied, "It was great, I slept with one handsome guy but I couldn't recall what I told him to make him take me to his house" Jane smiled on the phone and said, "Maybe he likes you' Tia quickly replied, "like who? Abeg I don't want anything serious for now please so stop saying that I was just surprised that a guy could take a girl from a club to his house" Jane couldn't stop laughing then she replied, "Did you guys exchange contact" Tia replied, "hell no, why would I do such thing, it was just one-time thing so why would I give him my contact and besides I was drunk so I couldn't even remember my number at that moment" they both gist until Tia got home so immediately the Uber man zoom into Tia's compound, she ended the call.

Some weeks later Tia had a contract that she was expecting and it was a very huge one. She eventually got the contract which her secretary rushed in to inform her about it and because of the happiness in her mind during that moment she quickly packed her things and went to the office of the people who gave her the contract so that they could talk more about the payment.

Tia got there and greeted the secretary, "Good afternoon miss" The secretary replied, "Good afternoon, ma'am. Please how may I help you?" Tia introduces herself and the secretary let her into MD's office.

But what surprised Tia was that the MD was facing the wall and the chair was dancing as if the MD was listening to music. In her mind, she asked herself, "Am I in the right office?"
But then she speaks out, "Hello good afternoon"
The MD chair turned and the chair made one funny sound as if it was going to break that made Tia smile.

By the time MD turned to face Tia, she put a smile on her face and the MD immediately recall her face but then he replied, "Good afternoon young lady, so you are the winners of the contract right?" Tia smiled and replied, "Yes sir I am the one and it is my pleasure to work with a big company like your's".

MD replied to her, "My name is Mike" Tia smiled again Mike looked closely at her and said, "Have we met before?" Tia's reaction was like how? But then she managed to reply, " I don't think so sir arrh sorry Mike".

Mike smiled and said, "Hmmm the bar girl" Tia was shocked and her eyes were opened wide as if she was about to die. But she managed to reply to him, " I.. amm arrrh awww sir sorry Mike the thing is emmm" Tia couldn't find her line but then Mike smiled and replied to her, "I am not judging you, in fact, I enjoyed your company but then why did you run away?" Tia was sweating inside because she thought that the contract is gone automatically so she replied, "I am sorry sir, amm I mean Mike the thing is that I just wanted to have fun and by the time I woke up I was embarrassed because of what I did so I couldn't face you that was why I left and I never remember your face ever since then"

Mike replied, "But I did because you are just one in a million" Tia blushed and they both talk for some minutes after their conversation they finally exchange contact and that was how they became close.

And some months after the business transaction they got married and lived happily ever after.

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