The proposal

Dara and George had been together for over 3 years and every month Dara always expected George to propose but it seemed she was the only one wishing you take the relationship to the next level, while George was just enjoying the sweet relationship with her without thinking of the proper thing to do.

"Dara don't you think you should move in with me now that I have a bigger apartment," George said to Dara with a smile on his face.

Dara on the other side thought that he was about to do the right thing so she agreed to move in with him.

"Why not babe," Dara replied and they both gist for some hours before they went their separate ways.

Three months later after Dara had moved into George's apartment she began to anticipate when George was going to ask her to marry him.

No single she didn't look around to check if he had bought the ring and one evening George came back home and Dara flipped up because she couldn't hide her thoughts anymore.

"Hey babe, am home," George said as he got into the sitting room, Dara heard from the kitchen and peeped immediately she didn't notice any box from him she acted as if she didn't hear him.

"Babe I have something for you," George shouted again, and immediately Dara heard that her mind travels to the future and she began to imagine her wedding day. While she was still right there in the kitchen smiling without seeing anything until George knocked on the kitchen door which made some funny sound before she regained herself.

"I was calling you since," George's smile had reduced since Dara didn't jump at him like she always does.

"Oh really am so sorry I didn't hear you are back," Dara replied denying the fact that she heard him screaming from the sitting room then she began to blink her eyes every second as if something was about to happen.

"Are you alright?" George asked because he noticed Dara was anxious.

"Ye... Yes... Am am totally fine, you said you have something for me what is it?" Dara asked while a drop of sweat row down from her face.

"Yeah, I bought you this," George said and then stretched a small box to her it looked exactly like a ring box so Dara didn't bother opening it she just shouted.


"Yes... Yes baby, yes I will marry you" Dara said while she jumped at George and wrapped her hands on his neck George was speechless for a second.

"Wait a minute Dara, why are you shouting yes without opening the box I gave to you?" George asked while he removed Dara's hands which nearly choked him.

Dara's eyes were cleared immediately George said that so she couldn't defend her actions but then she managed to open the box and she saw a diamond necklace inside it.

"It's beautiful," she whispered then dropped it on the kitchen cabinets to continue what she was doing before George interrupted her.

"Really? Just beautiful or don't you like it," George said while he moved closer to Dara.

"Yeah really, you have money to buy me an expensive necklace but you don't have money to buy a proposal ring George? I was anxious and I thought the moment you asked me to move in, we were taking this to the next level not knowing I was about to become a girl that thrown her dignity away just for love," Dara started saying all that was in her since the day she moved in and George was right there looking so surprised at all what she was saying while using his shoes to make sound on the tiles.

"You know what? I need a space I need to breathe," Dara said while she threw that spoon she was holding away on the cabinet and then left the house for George.

George ran after her,
"Babe, it hasn't gotten to this please," George said as he tried to persuade Dara but she wouldn't listen as if her mind was made up already.

Some minutes later, George murmured all by himself in the kitchen.

"Didn't she like the necklace? Why is she anticipating a ring? Does ring define happiness?" George asked himself a series of questions as he managed to finish up what Dara was doing in the kitchen before going to the bedroom.

Some days later, Dara refused to call George, and when George called she wouldn't pick up. So George sent her a text, "Can we meet to settle this amicably?" Immediately Dara got the text her heart melted and she quickly replied, "I guess you know the right thing to do now". George texted the address to her and they got to the hotel around 4pm, George booked a table and they both sat looking at each other without saying anything for some minutes.

Dara's leg was shaking under the table as if she was in a business transaction, while George was scared to say a word not to talk of going on his knees.

Some minutes later, George stood up and then went on his one knee then brought out the same box from his suit.
Oh no not again George," Dara said immediately she saw the blue box.


George quickly grabbed her leg so that she wouldn't run away again and then said, "Will you spend the rest of your life with me?"

For some second Dara was lost in her thoughts but then George tapped her leg and said again, "Will you marry me?"
"Yes, baby... Yes... I will," Dara said then stretched her hand to George.

People at the hotel were already taking pictures which was unknown to George and Dara but after sealing the marriage proposal with a kiss they both looked back and then saw people capturing the moment with their phones.

Some months later they got married and lived happily ever after.

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